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Letitia James Threatens To Seize Trump’s Assets If He Can’t Pay $355m

New York Attorney General Letitia James has threatened to seize President Trump’s assets if he cannot fork up the $355 million fine due to his New York civil fraud case.

We saw this coming from a mile away.

If you read my story yesterday, you would know that a specific New York law forces the defendant to pay the fine before they can appeal the decision.

You can read more about that here:

WATCH: Law Professor Johnathan Turley Reveal The ‘Insidious’ Poison Pill Of Trump Ruling In New York Fraud Trial

AG Letitia James went on ABC News where she spelt out her plan to sieze President Trump's assets.

See here:

Read the story from ABC News:

Four days after a judge ordered former President Donald Trump to pay $354 million in his civil fraud case, New York Attorney General Letitia James told ABC News that she is prepared to seize the former president's assets if he is unable to find the cash to cover the fine.

"If he does not have funds to pay off the judgment, then we will seek judgment enforcement mechanisms in court, and we will ask the judge to seize his assets," James said in an interview with ABC News' Aaron Katersky.

And furthermore:

"We are prepared to make sure that the judgment is paid to New Yorkers, and yes, I look at 40 Wall Street each and every day," James said of the standard court process for collecting judgments in civil cases.

James directly countered Trump's allegation that the case lacked any victims, instead describing her case as vital to ensuring financial markets treat New Yorkers fairly.

"Financial frauds are not victimless crimes. He engaged in this massive amount of fraud. It wasn't just a simple mistake, a slight oversight, the variations are wildly exaggerated, and the extent of the fraud was staggering," James said. "If average New Yorkers went into a bank and submitted false documents, the government would throw the book at them, and the same should be true for former presidents."

You can see it in the way she speaks and the expression on her face; she is overjoyed about how this all played out.

Letitia James is a political hack who based her entire campaign on having President Trump prosecuted.

She couldn't care less about any of this as long as President Trump is damaged in some way.

It wouldn't surprise me in the least if she worked alongside top Democrats and the Biden administration to ensure that this plan was executed flawlessly.

If you own a business in New York.

It's in your best interest now to buddy up with your local politicians because, god forbid, you anger them, for this is the result.

Forbes shares more on the story:

Forbes estimates Trump’s net worth at $2.6 billion as of September, which includes $426 million in cash and liquid assets—which isn’t enough to cover both the fraud fine and $83.3 million Trump still has to pay as part of a separate defamation case brought by writer E. Jean Carroll. The $426 million is part of a broader estimated $640 million Trump has in personal assets—which also include his homes, aircraft, pension and cryptocurrency holdings—while his golf clubs and other real estate properties are worth an estimated 1.75 billion altogether. Trump’s New York City properties, which James could be most inclined to have the court seize, are worth an estimated $690 million, while his Trump Tower penthouse—one of his personal assets—is worth an estimated $52 million.

This is all part of a larger scheme to drain President Trump of his funding so that he will struggle and potentially be forced out of the 2024 Presidential running.


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