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New York City Crime Wave: Disney Characters Turned Extortionists

NYC. The city that never sleeps.

And if anyone does, they better do it with one eye open.

With their new influx of illegal immigrants, they’ve broken off into gangs.

And someone has caught on film one of their latest tactics in stealing money.

What is it this time?

Dressing up as Disney and Marvel characters, posing for pics, then stealing the camera, they resort to extortion, forcing people to pay to retrieve their belongings.

(How appropriate on their choice of costumes. Iger should be proud.)


These stories of immigrant gangs remind me of the foot clan from the Ninja Turtles, a group of immigrants known for creating an organized crime wave that covered the city.

Looks like there’s a new plague in the city.

Let’s check in to see how a local feels about this situation.

She should be psyched! This is exactly what the Democrats voted for.

And it’s just like the movies, crime everywhere! What more could she want??

In the movies, NYC could count on the Ninja Turtles to strike fear in the criminals!

So, who do they rely on in real life?

Dancing NYPD women, of course!

(Seriously, which of those 2 options sounds more ridiculous?)

Ok, dancers. Here, I’ll give you a hot lead.

Here’s some criminals gloating over their stolen goods online.

Surely you have some tech that could help you trace who posted that?

And you thought I was joking about the foot clan. Look, they even dress similarly.

That was taken recently at a Gucci store in NY, where they stole $51k worth of goods.


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