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Burnsville Shooting Suspect Finally IDENTIFIED

The Burnsville shooting suspect has finally been identified by authorities.

Sources say that 38-year-old Shannon Gooden was responsible for the deaths of three first responders, including two police officers and one firefighter before ultimately turning the gun on himself.

At first, the circumstances surrounding Gooden’s death were unclear, but police have since confirmed that he died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head.

According to reports, Gooden was a criminal with a very violent past. in 2007 he lost his right to own a gun.

Despite this, multiple firearms were found in Gooden’s possession following the fatal shooting incident. Here’s what we know about Gooden and the incident:

According to CBS News:

Drew Evans, superintendent of the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension, said during a press conference on Monday that Gooden was heavily armed.

“He had several guns and large amounts of ammunition, and shot at the police officers from multiple positions within the home,” Evans said.

Video of Gooden on social media shows his interest in firearms, and he is seen in some videos firing weapons.

Libs of TikTok noted the futility of gun laws: “Shannon Gooden, the alleged Minnesota shooter, tried getting back his gun rights in 2020 after they were taken away from a 2008 felony assault conviction.

His petition was denied. It’s likely he had a firearm illegally. I’m absolutely shocked that criminals can get hold of guns even when they’re not allowed to have one!”

Fox 9 detailed Gooden’s criminal history:

December 2004: Arrested and later convicted of misdemeanor disorderly conduct.

February 2005: Arrested for disorderly conduct, domestic assault, and interference with a 911 call.

Gooden was convicted of disorderly conduct; the other two counts were dismissed.

August 2007: Gooden was arrested and convicted of felony assault for a fight with family members at a mall.


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