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House Intel Chairman Warns Of ‘Serious National Security Threat’

The White House claims there’s now a new national securtiy threat.

And allegedly it’s now from…Russia!

Curious timing.

Is this to encourage more funds to be sent through the House?

Nothing stops national threats like billions of dollars.


NBC News reports:

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Turner, R-Ohio, released an unusual statement Wednesday warning of a “serious national security threat” without providing additional details, pre-empting what the White House said was a planned briefing for congressional leaders.

“Today, the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence has made available to all Members of Congress information concerning a serious national security threat,” Turner wrote in the statement.

Turner said he’s requesting that President Joe Biden “declassify all information relating to this threat so that Congress, the Administration, and our allies can openly discuss the actions necessary to respond to this threat.”

The statement didn’t offer any additional details, including the nature of the threat. On Wednesday afternoon, House members began trickling in and out of the highly secure room in the basement of the Capitol, known as the SCIF, where the most sensitive, classified information is shared with lawmakers.

White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan addressed Turner’s statement at a press briefing a short time later and suggested he was perplexed by the congressman’s statement because they already had a briefing planned for Thursday. A U.S. official confirmed that the Thursday briefing is related to the threat highlighted by Turner.

Sullivan said that earlier this week, he reached out to the Gang of Eight, the top leaders from the House and Senate, “to offer myself up for a personal briefing.”

“That’s been on the books so I am a bit surprised that Congressman Turner came out publicly today, in advance of a meeting on the books, for me to go sit with him alongside our intelligence and defense professionals tomorrow,” Sullivan told reporters.

He continued, “That’s his choice to do that. All I can tell you is that I’m focused on going to see him, sit with him, as well as the other House members of the Gang of Eight tomorrow and I’m not in a position to say anything further from this podium.”

Sullivan declined to provide additional details about the briefing but made clear that he was the one who initiated the meeting.

Here’s a few highlights about Chairman Mike Turner:

Curious choices, Chairman Turner.


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