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WATCH: Epstein’s Brother Speaks Out, Reveals NEW Evidence

Jeffrey Epstein’s brother, Mark Epstein recently sat down with Megyn Kelly to speak out on his brother’s death.

Simply put, Mark Epstein does not believe his brother died in a suicide, though he says he did initially believe the official state reports detailing Jeffrey Epstein’s death.

Mark Epstein explained that he was unable to obtain even the most basic and standard documents surrounding his brother’s death. He also shared never-before-seen autopsy photographs of Jeffrey Epstein’s body.

The surviving Epstein brother explained that the injuries shown in the photographs are not consistent with a hanging death.

You can see the photographs and hear Mark Epstein’s arguments in the YouTube video below, but beware, some of the images may be graphic.

Chuck Callesto writes: “Epstein revealed the Bombshell evidence in a Feb. 9th podcast. After meeting with medical examiners in New York City following his brothers death, Mark Epstein was informed that the death could not be called a suicide “because it LOOKED TOO MUCH LIKE A HOMICIDE.”

“So, then the questions became if he didn’t commit suicide, THEN HE WAS KI-LED, and then who killed him? How was it done?” -Mark Epstein During the interview, Mr. Epstein presented photos of his brother’s autopsy.”

The Epoch Times also revealed:

He went on to say that upon meeting with medical examiners in New York City at the time, he was informed that his brother’s death could not be called a suicide “because it looked too much like a homicide.”

“So then the questions became if he didn’t commit suicide, then he was killed, and then who killed him? How was it done?” Mr. Mark Epstein continued before presenting photos of his brother’s autopsy.

One individual remarked: “US gov claims Epstein killed himself in federal detention facility in Manhattan 4 1/2 yrs ago, just B4 his trial. If that’s true,Y R there so few records available fr that night?Mark Epstein tried 2 get copy of one of most basic documents-prehospital care report by EMS team.”

Russia Today, a foreign state-affiliated outlet, reports:

If Jeffrey Epstein had been found hanging from the upper bunk, as reported, ligature marks should have gone up under his chin and behind his ears, his brother said.

“From that picture, the ligature mark on his neck is more in the middle of his neck and sort of goes straight back,” he said.

“In a hanging, it goes really high up in the front of the neck because you sink down into that noose.”


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