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Watch: Biden Erupts On Reporter Who Dared To Ask About His Cognitive Decline

President Joe Biden has faced mounting speculation from across the political spectrum regarding his age and his mental ability to serve in the office.

But for some reason, his handlers continue to allow him to speak directly to the public, including in a news conference on Thursday during which the issue of his cognitive function was a prominent theme. Things went pretty much like anyone who has seen him speak in recent months might have expected.

At one point, a reporter actually confronted Biden on his obvious cognitive decline, and it evoked an angry reaction:

As the Daily Wire reported:

In an apparent attempt to push back on the serious questions that were raised about his fitness for office, Biden announced a press conference with only several minutes’ warning.

During the event, Biden snapped at reporters for asking him about his mental fitness, even though 76% of Americans have said that his mental and physical fitness was a concern.

When asked about voters’ concern, Biden snapped: “That is your judgement! That is your judgement! That is not the judgement of the press.”

Biden’s apparent dementia symptoms have become a common topic of social media commentary recently.

The latest focus on his mental function, or lack thereof, came in response to a special counsel’s finding that he should not face charges related to mishandling of classified material due to his shockingly poor memory.

According to the BBC:

Department of Justice Special Counsel Robert Hur determined Mr Biden had improperly kept classified documents related to military and foreign policy in Afghanistan after serving as vice-president.

The scathing 345-page report, released earlier in the day, said the president’s memory had “significant limitations”.

Even as Mr Biden sought to rebut reporters’ questions about his age and mental acuity, he inadvertently referred to Egyptian leader Abdul Fattah al-Sisi as the “president of Mexico”.

Asked to comment on the latest in the Israel-Gaza war, he said: “I think as you know initially, the president of Mexico, Sisi, did not want to open up the gate to allow humanitarian material to get in.”

Mr Hur interviewed the 81-year-old president over five hours as part of the inquiry.

Here’s some additional analysis of the report:


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