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Tucker Carlson Gives His Take On Interview, Says Putin Is “Very Wounded” By Western Rejection

Vladimir Putin certainly made an impression on everyone who watched his 2-hour interview with Tucker Carlson last night.

He also made an impression on Tucker Carlson himself.

If you watch the interview, it appeared that Tucker spent a good deal of the interview trying to gage just what exactly makes Putin tick.

Following the interview, Tucker attempted to give his own take on the Russian president.

Tucker suggested that Putin is very intelligent, but isn’t great at explaining himself.

He also pointed out that he believes that the rejection of the west has wounded Putin.

“He denied it, but it’s obvious he’s very wounded by the rejection of the West,” explained Carlson.

Here’s more on Tucker’s takeaways:

Naturally, the leftist media was waiting in the wings to try and bury Carlson by criticizing him over the interview.

NPR was quick to pile on by claiming that the interview was a desperate bid for relevance by Carlson, which is obviously false considering his success has skyrocketed since leaving Fox News.

NPR reported on Tucker’s take on the interview, but please ignore the obvious vitriol that the writer holds against Carlson:

The right-wing television provocateur Tucker Carlson interviewed Vladimir Putin in Moscow in an exchange fueling both the Russian president’s anti-Ukrainian rhetoric and Carlson’s drive for renewed relevance in his post-Fox career.

In a video taped after the interview, Carlson told viewers that he found Putin to be sincere, if not adept at making his case to an American audience. “He denied it, but it’s obvious he’s very wounded by the rejection of the West,” Carlson said. “Like a lot of Russians he expected the end of the Cold War would be Russia’s invitation into Europe.”

It is the first interview Putin has granted to an American since the Russian invasion two years ago.

The idea that Tucker is struggling to gain relevance is laughable.

He has become the most relevant news reporter in the entire United States, and he was the only person brave enough to take on an interview like this one.

Agree or disagree with Tucker Carlson, it’s commendable that he is willing to do the real journalistic work when others refuse.


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