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Trump Wins U.S. Virgin Islands Caucus By Landslide!

Ladies and gentlemen: Things are happening very quickly in the GOP race.

Now that everyone other than Nikki Haley understands that President Donald Trump is a force to be reckoned with, expect huge things from the Trump camp.

One of those huge things is President Trump’s runaway victory in the Virgin Islands caucus.

Trump crushed Haley by a huge margin, taking nearly 75% of the vote.

This is Trump’s third huge victory over Haley.

Haley is way out of her league and only time will tell if she finally wises up.

It may be too late as it is…

The New York Post has the breaking news:

GOP front-runner Donald Trump secured another win in the US Virgin Islands caucus Thursday night, locking in a third consecutive primary win over 2024 rival Nikki Haley.

The former president came out with 73.98% of the vote, while Haley had 26.02%.

The USVI caucus awards four delegates and is technically third after Iowa and New Hampshire, as results are tabulated hours before Nevada.

The ranked-choice ballot included Haley and Trump, as well as other candidates who did not withdraw their names like former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, businessman Perry Johnson and biotech mogul Vivek Ramaswamy.

Trump and Haley had both been vying for victory on the islands, sending down surrogates and participating in video messages in an attempt to sway Republicans.

Liz Harrington shared President Trump’s response on Twitter.

It goes as follows:

“Great news! As we are landing in Nevada, getting ready to go to Caucus, word just came that we overwhelmingly won the Virgin Islands Caucus, ALL Delegates, with almost 75% of the Vote.  I  have just called to thank those involved.  They are celebrating, and having a great time – They deserve it!  This has been a very Big Day for your Favorite President, the Republican Party, and Democracy!”

The Washington Times has more on Trump’s victory:

Donald Trump amassed another win at a Republican caucus held Thursday in the U.S. Virgin Islands, where officials flouted several GOP party rules, including holding the contest earlier than allowed.

The caucus is the third Republican contest held this election season with delegates at stake, with Trump receiving 73.98% of the votes and Nikki Haley 26.02%.

“I want to thank you all. We had a tremendous victory,” Trump said in brief remarks by phone to those who gathered in St. Thomas to hear the results. “We expected to win, but we didn’t expect to win by that much. You are incredible people I will never forget.”



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