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Converting To Christianity To Avoid Deportation? New Trend Occuring Among Illegal Aliens On Bibby Stockholm Barge

Well, this doesn’t sound suspicious at all.

There’s 300 migrants seeking asylum on a Bibby Stockholm barge in England.

The threat of being deported looms and suddenly people decide to convert.

Sounds like a normal Sunday at church to me, doesn’t it?

Not likely.

This comes out on after it was reported earlier this week that the acid attack suspect, Abdul Shokoor Ezedi, was supposedly an ex-Muslim that had converted to Christianity.

The Telegraph reports:

Forty asylum seekers on the Bibby Stockholm barge are converting to Christianity amid growing fears that migrants are claiming to have changed their religion in order to stay in the country.

Nearly one in seven of the 300 migrants on the barge in Portland, Dorset, are attending churches under the supervision of local faith leaders, according to a church elder.

The disclosure comes amid a growing row over the role of UK churches in supporting the conversion to Christianity of migrants including Abdul Shokoor Ezedi, the suspected Clapham chemical attacker.

Ezedi was granted asylum on that basis, despite having been convicted of two sex offences three years earlier.

On Monday, James Cleverly, the Home Secretary, is expected to receive an initial report setting out the full facts of the case as government sources questioned whether it was “really possible to credibly substantiate the validity of a religious conversion”.

Mr Cleverly is expected to consider whether any legal changes are needed to ensure tighter scrutiny of asylum seekers’ conversion claims and to enable the automatic deportation of convicted foreign criminals such as Ezedi, who received a two-year suspended sentence for sexual assault and exposure before being granted leave to remain in the UK.

The number of asylum seekers claiming to have converted is not published by the Home Office, but on Sunday David Rees, a church elder and education consultant, told the BBC’s Sunday programme that 40 asylum seekers on the Bibby Stockholm had converted or were in the process of becoming Christians.

“Local faith leaders have visited the barge and work with the council and the barge management in looking after these guys,” he said, adding that the migrants had either converted in their home countries or on Christian Alpha or other courses in the UK.

The Alpha course, which introduces worshippers to the faith, was taken by Emad Al Swealmeen, the Liverpool bomber. The Iraqi asylum seeker blew himself up outside a maternity hospital in 2021, four years after his confirmation at the city’s cathedral.

This is getting beyond insane.

What excuse will they come up with next?

How much more obvious does it need to become that those that rule over us hate us?

And are constantly trying to replace us?

In case you missed it, here’s an eyewitness of the upstanding Christian beating a child during his acid attack rampage:

And for those of you worried he’d be kicked out of England, fear not. This musli- I mean, Christian man, still has asylum.


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