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BREAKDOWN: Here’s Why Nevada Has A Caucus And A Primary — And Which One Actually Matters

What if I told you that Nevada’s recent primary elections don’t count?

That’s right my friends, the results don’t mean a thing because Nevada holds both a primary election and caucuses run by each political party. I know that doesn’t sound very clear, but let me explain.

In 2021 Democrats in the state of Nevada changed the state’s election laws to suit their purposes and introduced state-run primary elections, because, of course, they would.

Up until that point, Presidential candidates in Nevada were nominated using only a party-run caucus system.

The GOP rightly objected to this major change in Nevada’s election procedures and the Nevada Republican Party will host caucuses anyway. They argue that caucuses provide a better experience for both the candidate and the voter.

More importantly, the Nevada GOP has made it absolutely clear that any potential nominee must be chosen through the party-run caucus system and not the state-run primaries.

Because of this, the recent primary election doesn’t even count. It’s also why President Trump did not appear on the state-run primary ballot, but will be appearing on the party-run caucus ballot—the one that actually counts.

Conversely, this is why Nikki Haley appeared on the state-run primary ballot, but will not be appearing on the party-run caucus ballot.

Still, the numbers don’t lie and Nevada’s recent primary numbers are a massive slap in the face to Nikki Haley:

CBS News explained in further detail the Democrat initiative to hold state-run primaries:

The change came amid a series of new voting initiatives geared toward improving voter access, like expanding voting by mail, at a time when other states were placing more restrictions on voting to counteract allegations of voter fraud.

Show host Brenden Dilley asked: “This is the most embarrassing shit I’ve ever seen in politics. Nikki Haley couldn’t beat “None of the above” in the Nevada primary, but she’s convinced her donors and supporters that she can beat Trump?”

Despite the primaries not counting in an official capacity, Reuters wrote:

Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley suffered an embarrassing defeat in Nevada’s primary on Tuesday, finishing behind ballots marked “none of these candidates” by supporters of Donald Trump, according to Edison Research.


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