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President Trump Urges RNC NOT To Name Him Presumptive Nominee – “I Should Do It The ‘Old Fashioned’ Way”

President Trump made a surprising statement over Truth Social late in the evening on January 26th.

Ronna McDaniel, the chairwoman of the RNC, proposed that President Trump be named the presumptive nominee.

The proposal is meant to unite the Republican party to start campaigning against Joe Biden.

However, President Trump rejected the proposal, stating he wanted to do it “the ‘old fashioned’ way.”

See his Truth Social post here:

The folks at Fox News share more:

Trump’s statement pushes back on efforts led by a former aide of his campaign, David Bossie — an RNC committee member who has urged Republicans to rally around the former president despite the ongoing primary.

Former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley is facing growing calls for her to leave the 2024 presidential race as the RNC nearly considered a resolution to declare Trump the party’s presumptive nominee.

The RNC was set to consider a resolution that, if approved, would have declared Trump to be the party’s presumptive nominee for president in 2024. Fox News Digital obtained a copy of the resolution on Thursday, but it was later withdrawn.

In a statement, RNC spokesperson Keith Schipper said, “Resolutions, such as this one, are brought forward by members of the RNC. Chairwoman McDaniel doesn’t offer resolutions. This will be taken up by the Resolutions Committee, and they will decide whether to send this resolution to be voted on by the 168 RNC members at our annual meeting next week.”

So, why is President Trump doing this?

We don’t know for sure, but some theories are floating around.

Firstly, President Trump might want to win fair and square so that nobody could come out and claim that Nikki Haley could have won if President Trump hadn’t been chosen as the presumptive nominee.

We all know that President Trump is going to win regardless, but there are some delusional members of the Republican party who think Haley has a chance.

In that same vein, it could be that President Trump wants Nikki Haley to drop out so she would come out and endorse President Trump.

This move would help unite the Republican party, rather than President Trump ‘stealing’ the nomination from Haley and leaving many of her voters bitter.

Steve Bannon believes that the proposal was bait:

Rep. Chip Roy also disagreed with the resolution.

Some might believe this is an anti-Trump move, but I think it’s the opposite.

NBC News shares more on the story:

RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel has telegraphed a desire to unite around Trump if his dominance of early caucuses and primaries continues.

“If President Trump comes out strong tonight, that’s a clear message being sent by our primary voters,” McDaniel said in a statement to NBC News before the New Hampshire results came in Tuesday. “Republicans know that if we’re not united as a party behind our nominee we won’t be able to beat Biden.”

Following Trump’s victory Tuesday, McDaniel told Fox News: “I’m looking at the map and the path going forward, and I don’t see it for Nikki Haley.”

“I do think there’s a message that’s coming out from the voters, which is very clear: We need to unite around our eventual nominee, which is going to be Donald Trump,” she added.

Asked for comment Thursday before the news broke that the resolution had been withdrawn, RNC spokesperson Keith Schipper noted that McDaniel doesn’t offer resolutions.

“Resolutions, such as this one, are brought forward by members of the RNC,” Schipper said. “This will be taken up by the Resolutions Committee, and they will decide whether to send this resolution to be voted on by the 168 RNC members at our annual meeting next week.”

Many in the Republican party are tired of Ronna McDaniel as chair of the RNC.

This could very well be a move by Ronna McDaniel to kiss up to President Trump to get back in the good graces of the Republican party.

Regardless, I don’t believe President Trump should or will be the presumptive nominee.


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