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White House On The Defense After Joe Biden Says Hello To The “Real Governor” Of Virginia

During a rally in Manassas, Virginia, Joe Biden welcomed the crowd, saying, “Hello, Virginia! And the real governor, Terry McAuliffe!”

That’s right, Joe Biden doesn’t want to recognize Governor Glenn Youngkin.

People were quick to call out the hypocrisy of this statement, as election denial is a cardinal sin for Democrats.

Of course, ‘rules for thee, not for me’ is the unofficial slogan of the Democratic party.

Watch the clip here:

Governor Youngkin commented on the speech here:

Governor Younkin said, “Mr. President, I’m right here.”

As a result of this unprofessional comment, the White House has been on defense.

Watch White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre attempt to defend her boss’s comment:

Here is a backup of the clip:

Here is the entire White House Press Briefing:

Since the 2020 election, Democrats have tried to change the narrative that Republicans are election deniers.

That Democrats would NEVER deny an election.


I would like for you to watch this 24-minute-long compilation of Democrats denying elections.

It’s gold.

Here it is:

Hypocrisy on full view of the world.

This is why people are waking up to the lies of the Democrats.

President Trump continues to garner more support because Democrats have become sloppy.


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