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President Trump Wins New Hampshire, Sets New Record

President Trump has officially won New Hampshire, despite every effort to stack the deck against him and some say “cheat”.

I just love seeing the words “Trump Wins”, don’t you?

Looking good sir!

The AP has called the race for President Trump:

You have to go back to 1980 for the last time a Republican candidate has won both Iowa and New Hampshire in the primaries:

The last time a Republican candidate won both the Iowa caucuses and the New Hampshire primary was in 1980, when Ronald Reagan achieved this feat. Reagan’s victories in these early contests helped establish him as the leading candidate for the Republican nomination, which he went on to secure. Reagan’s success in the primaries set the stage for his election as President of the United States in the November 1980 general election, where he defeated the incumbent President, Jimmy Carter. Winning both Iowa and New Hampshire is particularly notable in a primary race, as it demonstrates broad appeal across different segments of a party’s electorate.

Not only that, but he officially becomes the only person, ever, to win the New Hampshire primary three times.

History made:

This all despite record numbers of Democrats showing up to vote for Nikki Haley.

In some districts, the numbers were inflated by as much as 50% of registered Republicans.

This is due to an oddity in New Hampshire law allowing Democrats to vote in Republican primaries.

Despite all that, President Trump not only won but he set new records!


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