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WATCH: Nikki Haley Visibly Angry After Trump Supporter Trolls Her With Marriage Proposal

Nikki Haley got trolled hard at her event in New Hampshire earlier today, when a Trump supporter asked for her hand in marriage!

The crowd member shouted out, “Nikki! Will you marry me?”

Haley responded asking if he was going to vote for her, to which the man responded, “I’m voting for Trump!”

“Ah, get out of here!” Haley replied, obviously irritated and annoyed.

Watch the viral clip here:

I wonder if Haley’s answer would have been different if the man was planning on voting for her?

Especially considering the allegations of Haley cheating on her husband

The Messenger commented on the hilarious moment at Haley’s NH campaign event:

It remains to be seen how Nikki Haley will perform on Tuesday in the New Hampshire primary, but she’s already fielding marriage proposals in the state — just maybe from the wrong voters.

At a Monday rally, Haley was interrupted by a heckler who yelled out, “Nikki?”

“Yes?” the former South Carolina governor said.

“Will you marry me?” the man in the crowd asked, eliciting laughter from the room, including Haley.

The 2024 GOP hopeful is currently married to Maj. Michael Haley, who serves in the National Guard and is on a year-long deployment in Djibouti.

“Are you going to vote for me?” Haley asked her suitor.

She seemed ready to get back to her point about the issues facing the United States when the man chimed in again.

“I’m voting for Trump,” he said to a crowd of boos.

“Oh, get out of here!” Haley said.

Haley’s campaign event came just ahead of the New Hampshire primary, where Trump is leading with a wide gap. After DeSantis dropped out on Sunday, she is the only remaining Republican primary candidate to challenge Trump for 2024.

As Mediaite pointed out:

According to RealClearPolitics’ New Hampshire poll average, Trump is polling at 54.9% while Haley is polling at 36.7%. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who dropped out of the race before endorsing Trump on Sunday, is polling at 7.5%.

However, nationally, Haley is polling more than 50 points behind Trump at a mere 11.5% versus Trump’s 66.1%.


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