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Middle Eastern Illegal Immigrant Gives Bizarre Claim: “You Will Soon Know Who I am”

That accent sure doesn’t sound like its from Mexico to me.

Clearly he’s from the Middle East somewhere.

Now, what do you think he knows to embolden him make that sort of claim?

Is he going to be a great business man one day and we’ll know about him once he becomes a rich CEO?

I don’t think so because he first said that “If you were smart you would know who I am.”

Right. So he’s already famous, then? He already has a reputation in his country?

I suspect we’ll find out who he is before long.

Here’s the viral clip taken at At No More Death Camp, 12 miles east from Sasabe, AZ.:

Curiously, this man’s face prompted X to add a warning.


These people are getting bolder by the day. But their arrogance and pride will play its part in their downfall.

“Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.” And those against us seem to be filled to the brim with both.

If he is no one, then thats fine by me.

If he is ‘famous’ for shady reasons then this viral video will most likely be seen by those that need to see it and will surely assess any possible threat and neutralize him if he needed.

I hear the White Hats see all and are in control.

Stay vigilant out there.


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