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FLASHBACK: Elizabeth Warren Tells Bill Maher She Doesn’t Know Where $350 Billion of TARP Taxpayer Money Went!

Credit to my friend the Digital Asset Investor for uncovering this one…

Elizabeth Warren claims to be a champion for the little guy.

Always fighting the big, bad banks!

The Chuck Rhoades (Billions) of real life.

And don’t get me wrong, I don’t like the big banks either….they seem wildly corrupt to me!

But what I really hate is someone who claims to be for the little guy but is actually working with them behind the scenes.

Watch this old clip that has nearly been entirely scrubbed from the Internet but we have it….

This is form 2009.

Right after the GFC — the Great Financial Crash — and the Government was running a little thing called TARP ((Troubled Asset Relief Program).

Billions upon billions was being pumped into the system.

And where did it go?

Straight to the banks of course!

The Fat Cats!

The “Too Big To Fails”!

And who was in charge of that program?

Elizabeth Warren.

So with all of that context in mind, now watch this clip where she laughs when she tells Bill Maher she doesn’t know where the first $350 BILLION of taxpayer TARP money went:

Backup here if needed:

Of course I asked Far-Left ChatGPT for details around this and it attempted to rationalize it:

Elizabeth Warren did not lose $350 billion of TARP (Troubled Asset Relief Program) funds. In fact, Warren played a role in overseeing the implementation of TARP but was not in a position to lose or misplace the funds. Elizabeth Warren, a law professor at the time, was appointed in 2008 to chair the Congressional Oversight Panel for the TARP. The panel was responsible for monitoring and reporting on the expenditure of TARP funds, which were allocated by Congress to help stabilize the financial system during the 2008 financial crisis.

The Congressional Oversight Panel, under Warren’s leadership, was tasked with providing oversight and ensuring transparency in how the TARP funds were used by the Treasury Department. The panel produced regular reports evaluating the management, operation, and effectiveness of TARP, including how the funds were being spent, the program’s impact on the financial markets and the broader economy, and recommendations for improvements.

Warren’s role was more of a watchdog than a manager of the funds. She was known for her critical stance on how the bailout money was being handled and for pushing for more accountability and transparency from both the government and the financial institutions that received bailout funds. There is no evidence to suggest that she lost any TARP funds, as her role was oversight and reporting, not the management or disbursement of the funds themselves.

Speaking of Warren, I can’t cover Pocahontas without reliving my favorite Liz Warren moment of all time…

When she posted a video of her and her husband in their kitchen and she thanks him for “being here”.

Where else would he be, Liz?  He lives there too!

Elizabeth Warren Tells Husband “Thank you for being here”…In Their Kitchen!

We all thought Kevin Spacey posted the creepiest home video in his kitchen when he posted his cringe-worthy “Let Me Be Frank video…

Remember that?

Then Elizabeth Warren came along and said “Hold My Beer, I can top that!”

Or did she say “Let me get a beer”?

Anyway, the point is, Warren shot a cringe-worthy home video in her kitchen that many think has dethroned Spacey as the awkward video of the year.

Take a look:

I have so many questions……

Like, why does it seem so incredibly staged?

Who says “I’m gonna get me a beer” and who does it so awkwardly?

Why is she so awkward?

Why does she thank her husband for being here?  Where Liz, in your house?  Thank you for being here?  What?  Who has ever said that to their spouse?

Why is this so creepy in fake?

Is this what we have to look forward to in her 2020 campaign?

It appears I wasn’t the only one with questions, even CBS News posted this video poking fun at the horrible video and posing many of the same questions I had:

Of course Fox News also ripped the video calling her “Inauthentic in everything she does”.

Take a look:

Don Jr. picked up on the CBS video:

But perhaps the best line of all goes of course to our President, Donald J. Trump when he said this of Warren:


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