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Schumer: Democrats Refuse To Pass Border Security, Demand Ukraine Funding

Don’t tell me the Democrats aren’t good at their job. They excel at it.

That is, if their job consists of:

1. Dragging their feet on the border security.

2. Demanding more money for Ukraine.

If that was it, they’re hitting it out of the park every week!

Can someone just airlift the entire Federal Reserve and park it on Zelenskyy’s lawn? Then he can use it as his own personal Kinko’s and print money to his heart’s content.

When it comes to defending the border, what does Schumer say?

CBS News Reports that answer:

“I am more optimistic than ever before that we come to an agreement. There was a large amount of agreement around the table, that we must do Ukraine, and we must do border. There was tremendous focus on Ukraine, and an understanding that if we don’t come to Ukraine’s aid, that the consequences for America around the globe would be nothing short of devastating,” Schumer said.

In a readout of the meeting, the White House said Mr. Biden made clear that inaction on Ukraine endangers the national security of the U.S and its allies and that there must be action to address the challenges at the border.

Before the meeting, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said Mr. Biden wanted to lay out why it was urgent to continue supporting Ukraine “and why that’s needed now and how that affects our own national security.”

Here’s a clip from nearly 6 years ago. Not much as changed, eh?

Nothing new with Schumer. But it’s Schumer, so what did you expect?

Nancy Pelosi goes on record to let you know that Democrats have always been for securing the border. Well, that’s reassuring. We can all let out a sigh of relief now.

But notice she says Biden has “put forth over 10 billion dollars to…uh…er…assist at the border.”

Define “assist” Nancy.

Assist means “To give aid or support.”

So, who’s getting this aid and support at the border?

The guards or the invaders?


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