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Is This A New John Fetterman? Beginning To Gather Support From Conservatives

John Fetterman has had an interesting experience since his time as a Senator.

Someone who was once a die-hard Democrat seems to have begun to shift more conservative in his beliefs.

2023 wrapped up with several significant events that have rattled and divided Democrats.

From the immigration crisis, seeing millions of illegal immigrants pour over the southern border, to the rise of antisemitism due to the war between Israel and Hamas.

John Fetterman appears to have aligned more with conservatives over these matters as Democrats descend into the madness of their ideology.

Read more from Fox News:

Fetterman, whose 2022 campaign to serve as a senator for the Keystone State rattled a majority of conservatives, appears to be making inroads with those of different political beliefs around the country by bucking a handful of the ideas espoused by his colleagues who sit on the same side of the aisle.

His opposition to some efforts pushed by the progressive wing of the Democratic Party, which has become increasingly visible since the Oct. 7 attack on Israel by Hamas terrorists, has led some conservatives to question how he went from a candidate they despised to a senator they can relate to.

On Israel, for instance, the senator has made his position very clear amid the war-torn country’s battle with Hamas terrorists. He will support Israel at all costs, even when other members of his party won’t.

Fetterman has also made heads spin within his own party when it comes to the issue of immigration and his criticism of New Jersey Democratic Sen. Bob Menendez, who faces federal charges for allegedly acting as a foreign agent and accepting hundreds of thousands of dollars of bribes to benefit the Egyptian government through his power and influence as a senator.

The senator’s position on Israel differs greatly from that of several progressive Democrats in the House and Senate and was reaffirmed earlier this week when Fetterman spoke at a leadership luncheon hosted by the Orthodox Union Advocacy Center in Washington, D.C.

He questioned why those who targeted Israel through demonstrations around the United States and the world are not “protesting Hamas.”

“They’re blocking tunnels, they’re blocking roads,” Fetterman said. “Why? Why aren’t they protesting, ‘When will we get the hostages back home?’ Why aren’t they protesting Hamas? Why aren’t they protesting systemic rape and torture of Israeli women and children?

“I don’t get it.”

This is the direct result of aligning yourself with the party of insane leftist ideas.

We know that the conflict in Israel has already spelled more trouble for Biden’s campaign for 2024.


The Israel conflict isn’t the only issue that Fetterman has swapped on.

He has begun to side with Republicans over our growing immigration issues.

Though he remains pro-immigration, he has taken a step back from the radical ideas proposed by many Democrats.

Just watch this video:

And again:

John Fetterman is referring to the white genocide that is quickly escalating in South Africa.

Telling South Africa to figure their problems out before they criticize Israel.

The Independent shares more on that:

John Fetterman criticised South Africa for bringing a case of genocide against Israel at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) for its war on Gaza and its treatment of the Palestinians.

The Pennsylvania senator suggested that South Africa “ought to sit this one out” at an event hosted by the Orthodox Union at Capitol Hill on Wednesday.  He added that it was “appalling” that South Africa had brought the case, which began at The Hague on Thursday, “given the history there.”

In response to a request for clarification of those comments, Mr Fetterman said in a statement given to The Independent: “The entirety of my point was this: South Africa should instead focus on the spiraling humanitarian crises on its own continent—like Sudan where more than 7 million people have been displaced with widespread atrocities.”

It is unclear precisely which part of South Africa’s history Mr Fetterman was referring to in his original comments, but the country existed under a system of apartheid, or the rule of a white minority over the country’s Black population, from 1948 until the early 1990s. The case against Israel was brought by South Africa’s ruling party, the African National Congress, which successfully fought against and ended apartheid rule. The party, once led by Nelson Mandela, the anti-apartheid activist and first post-apartheid president of South Africa, has long compared the policies of Israel with the conditions of apartheid Black South Africans endured.

You can see that journalists take his comment out of context and think he is talking about apartheid.

He is not.

There is an actively growing group of people in South Africa that is looking to kill white people.

Now listen, a broken clock is right two times a day, I know.

I also know that even though Fetterman has leaned conservative on these issues, he is still a Democrat at heart.

That doesn’t mean he and many others can’t awaken to reality.

The reality is that Democrats are too far gone with their insane leftist ideologies.



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