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New Evidence Emerges, Biden White House And New York AG Colluding?

They’ll deny this evidence to the moon and back, just like they deny all evidence pointing to their obvious corruption.

New evidence has emerged that suggests collusion between the Biden White House and New York Attorney General Letitia James.

White House visitor logs from 2022 and 2023 have revealed that Letitia James visited Biden’s White House three separate times.

The first visit occurred in April 2022, the second in August of 2023, and the final documented visit occurred in July of 2023.

Why would a state Attorney General be meeting with the President so much? What business does Letitia James have with Joe Biden and his administration?  Here’s what the records show:


Daily Mail presented this statement from President Trump:

“My legal issues, every one of them, every one—civil and the criminal ones—are all set up by Joe Biden. Crooked Joe Biden. This is something that has never happened in this country.

It’s a shame. It’s a witch-hunt in the truest sense of the word. It’s election interference.

It’s all a conspiracy to get Biden into office,” he added before then sharing a report that AG James had visited the president in the White House ‘numerous times’.

Conservative influencer Julia remarked: “What a coincidence. Just like Fani Willis’ lover, Nathan Wade—who was hired by her to go after Trump—also visited the White House multiple times, so did Letitia James.

The left tells you Trump will prosecute his political enemies if elected—but Biden IS doing that right now.”

The Associated Press reminded readers:

New York Attorney General Letitia James sued Trump in 2022 under a state law that gives her broad power to investigate allegations of persistent fraud in business dealings.

She wants the judge to impose $370 million in penalties and forbid Trump from doing business in New York.


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