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Appellant Court Shoots Down California’s Attempt To Ban Guns In Public

California has always been at the forefront of unconstitutional gun control legislation.

In the most recent attempt, California lawmakers attempted to enforce a ban on publically carrying firearms.

Thankfully, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals dissolved the hold and will reconsider the argument later in April.

The Associated Press News shares more:

9th Circuit Court of Appeals panel dissolved a temporary hold on a lower court injunction blocking the law. The hold was issued by a different 9th Circuit panel and had allowed the law to go into effect Jan. 1.

Saturday’s decision keeps in place a Dec. 20 ruling by U.S. District Judge Cormac Carney blocking the law. Carney said that it violates the Second Amendment and that gun rights groups would likely prevail in proving it unconstitutional.

The law, signed by Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom, prohibits people from carrying concealed guns in 26 types of places including public parks and playgrounds, churches, banks and zoos. The ban applies regardless of whether a person has a concealed carry permit.

Many Californians are happy at the reversal in law:

More from CNN:

Newsom’s office slammed the court’s new ruling in a statement late Saturday.

“This dangerous decision puts the lives of Californians on the line,” read the statement shared by spokesperson Daniel Villaseñor. “We won’t stop working to defend our decades of progress on gun safety in our state.”

The law, among a series of gun control measures signed by Newsom in September, went into effect January 1 and applies to those with licenses to carry a concealed weapon. At the time, Newsom cited shootings across the country that left at least 104 people dead over the 72 hours prior to the signing.

In his original order temporarily blocking the new state law in December, judge Carney cited a recent landmark Supreme Court decision to justify blocking the sweeping California state law, which had been challenged by the California Rifle and Pistol Association and Gun Owners of America, among other plaintiffs.

Newsom is delusional if he thinks any gun laws are going to be allowed in California.

Even if the lower courts allow it, the Supreme Court will not.


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