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Here’s What Trump ACTUALLY Said About Water and Magnets — MSM Lied To You Again!

So I woke up today to see my Twitter feed flooded (no pun intended) with post after post about Trump and Magnets and Water…

It’s the same routine they’ve been doing for 9 years now, they deceptively clip out some short segment from a 3 hour MAGA Rally and say “See! Trump has lost it! Dementia Trump! Look what he just said!”

In this case, they deceptively edited out a clip that makes it look like President Trump is saying water destroys magnets.

Of course that’s not true and of course we all know that — and so does Trump.

But they all deceptively clipped the same 19 seconds and spammed it all over Twitter.

I searched and I couldn’t find ONE PERSON posting the entire clip in context — so I did it.

More on that in a minute…

But first I’ll give you two examples of what every anti-Trumper was spamming Twitter with this morning.

Here’s the ever-hateful “Ron Filipkowski” posting pure lies right here with a very deceptively edited 19 second clip:

And here’s one more:

There are probably literally hundreds of these.

Of course none of these people have the moral turpitude or work ethic to actually watch the clip in context and report on it honestly, but that’s ok, we’ll do it for them.

No, they just see one person post it and say “Derp, Derp….we’ve got him now! Trump has lost it!  Trump is finally finished!”

Of course nothing could be further from the truth.

If you watch the entire clip in context you’ll see it’s part of a 3+ minute story not just about magnets but about Electromagnets…

And even MORE specifically, the was telling the story of the aircraft carrier Gerald R. Ford‘s Electromagnetic Aircraft Launch System, known as EMALS, which was a defective design from the beginning and which led to the Gerald R. Ford being $19 billion over budget…and even then never working correctly.

You see, they replaced a Steam-powered system that had worked flawlessly for decades with an “Electromagnetic Aircraft Launch System”.

Engineering run amok!

Different is not always better.

So that’s the story President Trump was telling and when you get to the end of that story you get the 19 second clip, deceptively edited, where President Trump refers to “magnets” as shorthand for “electromagnets” which was obvious and clear when you watch it in context for the entire 3 minutes.

And while water cannot kill magnets, it damn sure does kill electricity.

Here’s MY post on Twitter setting the record straight:

The TRUTH about what Trump said about magnets and water….


As usual, the MSM and all the FarLefties on Twitter are lying to you.

Trump is sharp as a whip and they deceptively edited 19 seconds to make him look bad.


Here’s the truth from the full clip in context and it makes perfect sense.

Trump was talking about ELECTROMAGNETS!

Water and electricity do not mix.

Electricity on a boat exposed to waves not good.

Steam good.

Steam has always worked.

You can watch the full 3+ minute clip in context right here:

President Trump is just fine…

He’s sharper than people half his age and he hasn’t lost anything.

From in 2020, they tell the same story President Trump just told about the Gerald R. Ford and it’s failed EMALS system:

Flight operations on the Navy’s newest aircraft carrier were cut back during recent at-sea trials after the new high-tech system that launches aircraft from the flattop’s flight deck went down.

The aircraft carrier Gerald R. Ford’s Electromagnetic Aircraft Launch System, known as EMALS, broke June 2 during the ship’s biggest carrier air wing embark to date. The Ford’s leaders had just announced the carrier was underway when EMALS went down.

Read next: Trump Shuts Down Proposal to Rename Army Bases Honoring Confederate Fighters

There were about 1,000 members of Carrier Air Wing 8 aboard the ship as the Ford ran post-delivery test and trials operations in the Atlantic. In a call with reporters the day before the EMALS went down, Capt. J.J. Cummings, the ship’s commanding officer, called the air wing embark a historic moment for the Ford.

The air wing qualified more than 50 fleet and student pilots, he said, and launched and trapped hundreds of flights from the flattop while operating at sea.

But the next day, the EMALS went down, according to a Navy news release that was issued late Sunday night. That “curtailed flight operations to some extent.”

Will everyone on Twitter who posted the deceptive and defamatory 19 second clip issue a correction?

Will they issue an apology?

I’ll be waiting on the edge of my chair….

Charlatans, all of them!

EMALS and MAGLEV….cool for skyscrapers, terrible for boats:


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