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WATCH: Farmers Stage MASSIVE Protests

Multiple sources are now reporting on a new round of farmer protests sweeping across Europe.

Farmers in Germany are currently demonstrating, with plans to engage in even more massive demonstrations on January 8, 2023, in Berlin.

The protests are an organized response to the draconian government regulations proposed by E.U. bureaucrats all in the name of fighting ‘climate change’. Political commentator Eva Vlaardingerbroek had the scoop:

“I’ll be traveling to Berlin next week as the German Farmers have announced that they will launch a protest “larger than the country has ever seen before” on Monday, January 8.

Multiple farmers’ associations, the train drivers’ union and the trucking industry have announced they’ll be mobilizing against the federal government’s plans to cancel for agricultural diesel, cut vehicle tax exemptions and increase truck tolls and carbon taxes.

There are also countless calls on social media for a general strike against the federal German government – demanding they step down.

Mark my words: There is no doubt that if all of these sectors hold their ground and do not back down as a result of the establishment’s usual intimidation tactics, that they have the power to completely paralyze the country and finally demand change. This wouldn’t be a turning point just for Germany, but also for the rest of Europe.”


Late last year, BBC News reported:

Motorists in rural France have recently been astonished to see thousands of road signs at entrances to towns and villages turned upside-down.

The name-bearing roadside plaques have been unscrewed, flipped, then meticulously screwed back on.

It’s a campaign by farmers to draw attention to what they say is their increasingly precarious way of life.

Wall Street Silver asked: “Massive protests are being carried out by farmers in Germany against the government on January 8th. The farmers in Germany are protesting due to unfair taxes and practices being carried out by the government. Why don’t we ever see this on the news?”

The Guardian had more on the ongoing farmer protests in Europe:

In the days and weeks after the rally at the Malieveld, more demonstrations took place, and rhetoric grew fiercer.

Protesters broke down the door of the provincial government in Groningen, a university town surrounded by farmland.

A leader of the far-right Farmers’ Defence Force, one of the groups that organised protests, declared that the cabinet wanted “civil war”, an accusation that amounted to a threat.


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