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UPDATE: On Armed Man Arrested Outside Capitol

It appears as if the broader implications of the border crisis have now reached Washington D.C.

Late last month WLTR reported on an incident involving a man who was arrested outside of the Capitol with a machete in his possession.

23-year-old Jose Leonardo Marquez was apprehended by Capitol law enforcement and charged with carrying a dangerous weapon and possession of prohibited weaponry.

At the time we heard unconfirmed rumors that Marquez was an illegal immigrant, but, of course, I did not want to report this without ample confirmation.

Now, law enforcement and numerous sources have indeed confirmed that Marquez was an undocumented immigrant from Venezuela. Chuck Callesto provided this update:

“Marquez entered the United States illegally on an unspecified date and at an unidentified location, without undergoing admission, inspection, or parole by an immigration officer.

Apprehended by the U.S. Border Patrol on August 21, 2022, in the vicinity of El Paso, Texas, Marquez was released the following day under the Alternatives to Detention program, claiming insufficient detention space.”


Newsmax featured this statement from ICE:

According to Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s Enforcement and Removal Operations (ICE ERO) Washington, D.C., Marquez “unlawfully entered the United States on an unknown date, at an unknown location, and without being admitted, inspected, or paroled by an immigration official.”

Meanwhile, Biden claims that we do not have the money to protect the Southern entrances to our country. We have money for foreign engagements, but not the homeland.

Andrea Shaffer provided the response from ICE: “Thanks to our law enforcement partners at the U.S. Capitol Police, this threat was mitigated quickly. Fortunately, Marquez is currently in ERO custody and will face removal proceedings.”

Fox News detailed the incident that led to the arrest of Marquez:

The officer spoke with Marquez and noticed a brick in his pocket, which the man tossed to the side at the officer’s request, the agency said.

After Marquez complied, he also removed a knife and placed it on a ledge at the Capitol building.

Authorities said that the observant officer also noticed a handle under the man’s clothing.

After calling for backup, the officer drew his gun and ordered Marquez to put his hands up.


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