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WATCH: ‘Sanctuary City’ On Cusp Of COLLAPSE, Mayor Issues Dire Plea

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes—this should be the motto of the Democrat Party.

For years we have seen Democrat mayors, governors, and lawmakers kowtow to uncontrolled mass migration by encouraging unfettered illegal immigration through promises of ‘sanctuary’ and social benefits.

Now, almost all of them have buyer’s remorse and cite the extreme strain the effects of the Biden administration’s border policies are having on their social safety nets.

Simply put, the ‘sanctuaries’ just weren’t robust enough to carry the weight of what they, themselves, encouraged for years.

It’s all fun, virtue signaling, and games until the bill finally comes due, and judging from the desperate pleas from Democrat Mayors like New York City Mayor Eric Adams, the bill has come due.

Denver Colorado Mayor Brandon Johnson became the latest Democrat mayor to issue a dire plea in response to the ongoing migrant crisis now plaguing Denver.

Johnson claimed that his city’s social welfare nets and city services are incredibly strained. Here’s what he had to say:


CBS News provided several statements from Johnson:

“We’ve received migrants in the middle of the night with little to no coordination,” Johnson said.

“We, at this point now, have had more migrant arrivals in our city than any city in America per capita,” said Mayor Johnston of Denver.

Just take a look at some of these videos documenting the extent of the migrant problem in Denver, Colorado from citizen journalists and residents of the area.

Zero Hedge correctly pointed out:

The trio of mayors blamed the migrant crisis on Texas Governor Greg Abbott, indicating Abbott “triples down on efforts to use asylum seekers as political pawns.”

However, the mayors, for good reason and likely fear of retribution, entirely omit that the Biden administration’s disastrous open southern border policies are at the center of what sparked the invasion of millions of migrants.


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