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Resurfaced Report Reveals The Trump Prosecutions Came From The Very TOP

Was there ever any doubt that Joe Biden was responsible for the bevy of Trump indictments?

We certainly heard whispers, and we definitely suspected that this was the case, but to have even more confirmation is always nice, just to know that we aren’t crazy conspiracy theorists.

A resurfaced 2022 report from none other than The New York Times has once again shed light on Joe Biden’s role in the orchestrated litigation against President Trump.

According to that report, Biden placed an immense amount of pressure on Garland, who reportedly had no plans to prosecute the 45th President.

The New York Times article then went on to claim that while Biden never directly confronted Garland, he was vocal to his confidants about wishing Garland would just go ahead and prosecute Trump.

This last part I am not so sure about, I am more than willing to bet that Biden did confront Garland in some way, shape, or form. That slimy political way that reeks of extortion and quid-pro-quo deals.

Biden likely used a carrot-and-stick approach to finally push Garland’s DOJ into prosecuting Trump. In response to the resurfaced New York Times article, President Trump issued a new statement via Truth Social:

Breitbart provided an excerpt of The New York Times article:

As recently as late last year, Mr. Biden confided to his inner circle that he believed former President Donald J. Trump was a threat to democracy and should be prosecuted, according to two people familiar with his comments.

And while the president has never communicated his frustrations directly to Mr. Garland, he has said privately that he wanted Mr. Garland to act less like a ponderous judge and more like a prosecutor who is willing to take decisive action over the events of Jan. 6.

Take a look at these comments from common sense journalists, the MAGA community, and patriots who know who is really responsible for the Trump indictments.

Around that same time last year, Newsweek published this response from the White House Press Secretary reassuring the American people that the DOJ was independent and did not take marching orders from Biden:

“The Department of Justice is independent. The president chose Attorney General Garland because of his loyalty to the law and our Constitution, and to restore the independence and integrity of the Justice Department,” she told the press on Monday.

“That’s exactly what the attorney general is doing, so we leave it up to the Department of Justice.”


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