On November 22nd, 1963 a coup occurred that drastically changed the trajectory of America and the World for the worse. If John F. Kennedy had lived, perhaps we would have seen far less war, bloodshed, and conflict. Truly, he was and is an American hero and icon.
This is my attempt to compile all the evidence you could possibly need to prove that JFK was assassinated through a conspiracy of the intelligence agencies, the bankers, the servants of the military-industrial complex, and the secret societies. May his legacy live on as he sacrificed his life in pursuit of a peaceful and prosperous world.
Who were JFK’s enemies? Who had a motive to kill?
The Military Industrial Complex and the CIA
JFK had made so many enemies that there is no telling how many people had a hand in the plot.
The Conspiracy theorist tends to lay the blame on the CIA due to the fact that the circumstantial evidence is way too much to ignore.
JFK gives the press a hint of what might have been going on behind the scenes as he declared war against secret societies. The guts of this man to call it all out like this is truly remarkable to witness. He says all this as he was working to dismantle the CIA’s clandestine operations, which were merely a hand of the military-industrial complex bringing us closer to nuclear annihilation than ever before.
“The very word “secrecy” is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it. Even today, there is little value in opposing the threat of a closed society by imitating its arbitrary restrictions. Even today, there is little value in ensuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it. And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment. That I do not intend to permit to the extent that it is in my control. And no official of my Administration, whether his rank is high or low, civilian or military, should interpret my words here tonight as an excuse to censor the news, to stifle dissent, to cover up our mistakes or to withhold from the press and the public the facts they deserve to know…
Today no war has been declared–and however fierce the struggle may be, it may never be declared in the traditional fashion. Our way of life is under attack. Those who make themselves our enemy are advancing around the globe. The survival of our friends is in danger. And yet no war has been declared, no borders have been crossed by marching troops, no missiles have been fired. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations.
Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed.”
JFK avoided the Cuban Missile Crisis and nuclear holocaust. Shockingly, this began to irritate the military-industrial complex, warmongers, and their ilk that Kennedy found himself squarely at odds with. In fact, JFK actually set up a secret backline of communication.
Click Picture for the accompanying video
Once the Bay of Pigs fiasco had unfolded, JFK found himself at odds with the CIA as he discovered they had deceived him. They had essentially lied to the President of the United States in an attempt to coax him into further bloodshed that served the military-industrial complex. So JFK immediately began to kick the hornet’s nest in more ways than most people realize.
He fired Allen Dulles, the Director of the CIA, Richard Bissell, and Charles Cabell. A three-headed clandestine monster.
Not only this but JFK attempted to block all clandestine operations in South Vietnam and wanted to pull the troops out. I don’t have to tell you what a threat this was to the war machine and money laundering operations that still exist to this day. JFK had become a believer in peace due to the fact that he had witnessed the stark reality of war for himself.
Listen to RFK JR explain how JFK went around the Military Industrial Complex’s back to save the world:
“The nuclear warheads were already in place. There were 60 people who all had authorization to fire if they felt they were under attack. If anybody had launched, my uncle knew what would happen. 30 million Americans would be killed but they would kill 130 million Russians and that was a victory for (them)… Those guys. They don’t care. They know that if it happens they will be in charge of everything. There was an incentive.. My uncle and Khrushchev… They were secretly corresponding with each and that is what saved the world.
They were surrounded by spies and military personnel who were intent on going to war and they were the two guys resisting it…(JFK) said the principal
We are all on an ark and there is not another one and that the entire fate of the planet and all of its creatures and all of the children are dependent on the decisions we make.
The entrance and exit through the Berlin war, the generals were trying to provoke a war.
His generals were trying to promote (nuclear) war. After he wrote that letter, they agreed they would install a hotline. So they could talk to each other and they wouldn’t have to go through intermediaries.”
Operation Northwoods
When people tell you that false flags are a conspiracy theory simply tell them to look up Operation Northwoods and drop your proverbial mic. Get this:
The US government and the CIA signed off on a proposal to stage a false flag operation that would have CIA operatives commit acts of terrorism against Americans, subsequently blame the Cuban government, and then use this event to justify an invasion of Cuba. This is real.
Remind you of anything?
Cough.. 9/11….Cough…
The 9/11 event opened the way for the world to accept a never-ending war in the Middle East and the Patriot Act which allowed unmitigated spying on American soil. Julian Assange is still being tormented for exposing their complicity in war crimes to this day.
Obviously, JFK was against this mad plan and they hated him for it.
He had become public enemy number one. And the CIA eventually declared itself innocent of his killing despite being the number one suspect.
The Federal Reserve and the Banking elite had a motive to see his demise. JFK’s plan to greatly diminish the opportunity for war made him an enemy to many who wished to profit off of human misery.
The Federal Reserve and the bankers had also become alarmed with JFK’s actions. It’s as if JFK’s ambition was far greater than what he could accomplish at the time because he must have had a hundred sights set on him by the time this was over.
If you’ve read my other digs, you know that Andrew Jackson also had a lone gunman attempt to eliminate him right after he began to confront the banking overlords. In Andrew Jackson’s case, he shrugged their murderous intent off like a mad lad, paid off the national debt, defeated the Central bank of his era, and became one of the most badass presidents we’ve had (Despite his flaws). But my point here is that the lone gunmen playbook was being used even back in Jackson’s era and Kennedy challenged the Federal Reserve in his own way. Always follow the money.
Some say that Executive Order 11110 penned by JFK would have threatened the FED attempting to back the system with silver.
The book Crossfire by Jim Marrs alleges that Kennedy was attempting to transfer power from the Federal Reserve to the United States Department of Treasury by replacing the Federal Reserve note with silver certificates. If this was the case, then he had made an enemy of what you do not contest: Their money. Money is their power and a big reason for many of the invasions that Bush and others have wrought upon the world.
What you might not know about JFK’s story is that he was attempting to shut down Israel’s nuclear program. This proved to be an unforgivable sin. In the summer of 1963, JFK showed signs that he wanted to raid Israel’s nuclear plant in Dimona.
As many of you know by now, JFK was committed to world peace and did not want to see us be blown to smithereens. This commitment, however, almost certainly cost him his life. He was by far the most worried about the potential of nuclear holocaust and insisted that Israel permit inspections of their plant.
Israel would not budge on this and once JFK had died Argentina began to sell uranium oxide to Israel. This was the key material needed for their nuclear weapons program. They sold them between 80 and 100 tons of “yellowcake” which was an essential product for fueling a nuclear reactor.
1963 you say? The year JFK died. It appears as if he was a block to their ability to attain nuclear weapons and if that is the case, he may have made a very powerful foe in the Mossad.
But get this:
Did you know that the JFK movie, the one directed by Oliver Stone, was literally written by a Mossad agent? Now why would that be the case? Why would a Mossad agent be interested in creating a movie that alleges that the CIA killed JFK in a conspiracy. Is it a way to take any heat of attention off the Mossad for their hand in the plot? It definitely seems like a very real possibility.
But it gets even stranger: Abraham Zapruder was a Ukranian Jew.
Is it possible he had a connection to the Mossad?
Some say that the Zapruder film itself was captured as a warning.
Notice how the camera stays on and there is little to no sway or seeming shock at what was just witnessed. Like it was known this was coming. If Zapruder knew anything, maybe he was given an order to film it and let it be released later as a message.
The message seems simple yet poignant: If you mess us with us, this is what will happen to you.
Warning. Here is the Zapruder film. Explicit content in this video.
The issue with the Zapruder film is that the contents of this infamous video footage are actually challenged by many.
Not only this but Dan Rather was allegedly one of the first people to see the film and it seems as though he made an “accident” by not falling in line with the official narrative given to the shill mainstream media.
“President Kennedy was still leaned over at that moment. Another bullet obviously hit the head of the President, the President’s head went forward violently in this manner.”
There’s one problem though, this is literally the exact opposite of what the Zapruder film shows. JFK’s head flung backward, not forward. Dan Rather is one of the first people to have allegedly seen the original film yet he misses the most key detail. Did he misspeak or is there something more nefarious going on here?
The reason why the Zapruder film is so important is for this specific reason: It shows his head flying back and to the left, after the bullet hits JFK’s brain. Oswald (we will get to him) was allegedly behind him in the suppository. Why would he fly backward if he was hit from the back? Of course, this defies logic and the Warren Commission would go on to make the most egregious claims just to cover up the fact that there was a conspiracy of people all vying to eliminate Kennedy from the equation.
It’s pretty tough to say that the evidence from the Zapruder film is a smoking gun but that wouldn’t be an issue if the Secret Service hadn’t denied an autopsy and then tampered with the caskets that JFK’s remains were being held in.
The Secret Service stole JFK’s body even though the autopsy should have been done in Dallas. But the real smoking gun, to go along with mountains of evidence, is the missing brain.
Missing Brain
JFK’s brain went missing because his brain could have proved that there was a second shooter.
It’s as simple as that.
Yes, you heard me correctly.
JFK’S brain went missing.
You know the brain that was hit by a bullet as his head moved back and to the left? Yeah that went missing and you’re never going to guess who the mainstream media is blaming for taking said brain: Robert Kennedy. This brain, which could prove if there was a second shooter, inexplicably went missing and no one knows where it is. It’s one of the smoking guns that could prove a conspiracy yet, poof, it vanished. Even if Robert Kennedy did somehow take the brain, which I doubt, he “vowed to find out who killed his brother” as he was on his way to becoming President himself. And then the CIA killed him in an extremely similar fashion with a lone gunmen as a patsy to disguise the conspiracy. You can read my entire thread on the Robert Kennedy cover up here:
Robert Kennedy JR says that a CIA operative killed his father, explains how the autopsy report brings damning evidence that Sirhan couldn’t have possibly killed his father, and the attorney for Sirhan coincidently was the same exact attorney for a mob boss implicated in the JFK assassination and ended up disappearing and cut into pieces before a committ…
Read full story
What makes JFK’s brain so important is simple and blatantly obvious:
His brain was the smoking gun and the conspirators knew this. They instantly broke the law when they took JFK’s body from Dallas that day because by all normalcy the doctors there should have been allowed to perform their own autopsy.
But just in case you don’t believe me or the evidence presented why don’t we hear this from the horse’s mouth? Seven of the doctors were actually treated Kennedy at Parkland Hospital are telling us straight up that there was more than one shooter and the brain they saw confirmed this without a shadow of a doubt. This is the smoking gun.
But that was immediately shot down and what happened next was a string of inconsistencies and malfunctions that made even the non-conspiracy theorist begin to question what really was going on here. They performed the autopsy under the supervision of military men, where they received orders not to tamper with specific areas. They were being given orders for a cover-up.
The photographs taken of his corpse were allegedly taken by John Stringer. When you look at the photographs his brain and head have clearly been tampered with. Yes, you heard that correctly. They tampered with his body post-mortem and took pictures that would try to hide the wound in his head because the head is so important. The brain proves that there were multiple shooters. But when John Stringer was shown these photographs they discovered that he didn’t take the pictures. Robert Knudson was a lead worth following as he was actually the man who took them. When his wife was interviewed after his death she said this:
“He told me that the whole top of his head was just…gone….(They covered up the wound).. You have to remember that he was a Navy man and he had Top secret clearance. He never opened his mouth (with what he knew).”
Not only this but the Secret Service immediately went on to clean the car quickly and the radio transmissions for the connected Secret Service vehicles, which would normally be available, were suspiciously absent. According to former Sixth Floor Museum curator Gary Mack, there were reports of a man in a suit with a bucket and towels outside the emergency area cleaning out the scene of the crime. It appears like he wiped down the driver’s seat specifically.
Can you believe this? Every sign of a cover-up that you could possibly imagine.
The car would be rebuilt and President Johnson, who some say had his hand in the plot, went on to use the vehicle for himself. The irony.
I don’t know about you but I’d want to make sure the crime scene had all the particular evidence available yet in nearly every instance the people surrounding this case hide evidence and clean up crime scenes rather than let the details speak for itself.
The media claimed that JFK was shot from behind with the finishing blow to the brain yet when you actually look at the Zapruder film with your own eyes you can see JFK’s body flinch back and to the right as the bullet strikes his head. It doesn’t take rocket science to begin to question why he would fling backward if he was shot from the back. This seems to be the smoking gun that proves there was a shooter in front of JFK. There was clearly a conspiracy to eliminate him where many different players were involved.
Look at the media’s version of events and then compare that to what you actually see in the film.
The Magic Bullet
The Warren Commission, the FBI, and the powers that be had given a pre-ordained outcome:
There were only three bullets fired.
There could not be a conspiracy to kill the President.
It had to be a crazed lone “communist” gunmen and nothing else.
Therefore, they created the magic bullet theory because there were too many obvious wounds.
A bullet hit Kennedy, then Connolly, and gave him wound after wound, and came out basically unphased. What a miraculous event! It’s almost like they think we are stupid!
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