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Trey Smith: “I AM” — Imhotep

This is so cool, I think you’re really going to love this….

As you know, we’re BIG Trey Smith fans around here.

So I always stop what I’m doing to watch whenever he has a new video out.

This one actually came out a couple weeks ago and I was blown away by it, but only now have time to cover it and post it here.

But trust me, you’re in for a big treat!

Let me set the stage…

I wasn’t a big history buff growing up.

I hated “History” in school, found it boring.

But now as I’m learning how much history was hidden from us and what our true history may actually look like — AND how all of that ties perfectly into what the Bible tells us, now I’m finding it fascinating to dig in.

And no one digs in better than Trey Smith.

This video is about Ancient Egypt and a character named Imhotep.

Now the reason I told you about my “history with History” is because this would be about the time my eyes would traditionally glaze over as I never really cared about old Egyptian rulers.

But this is anything but boring…

Trey makes the case that Imhotep is likely the Biblical Joseph figure from the Old Testament, and the more he breaks it down the more it makes perfect sense.

And then comes the surprise ending…

It’s actually programmed right into the name telling you EXACTLY who Imhotep was.

I won’t spoil the surprise here, but you’re gonna love it!

Watch here and please enjoy:

Backup video here if needed:

Here’s more on Imhotep:

Imhotep was a legendary figure in ancient Egyptian history, often considered the first architect, engineer, and physician in recorded history. He was also a high priest, poet, and philosopher. Born in Ankhtowe, Egypt, in the 27th century BCE, Imhotep was a contemporary of the Pharaoh Djoser of the Third Dynasty. He is best known for designing and overseeing the construction of Djoser’s Step Pyramid at Saqqara, the first known monumental structure made of stone.
Imhotep’s accomplishments were so significant that he was eventually deified by the Egyptians, becoming the god of wisdom and medicine. His legacy lived on for centuries, with his medical treatises being highly regarded and his architectural innovations influencing the construction of later pyramids.
In summary, Imhotep was an ancient Egyptian polymath who made significant contributions to various fields, including architecture, medicine, and religion, and was eventually revered as a god.


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