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The U.S. Government Already Knows Who The “Four Satoshi’s” Are?

This is very interesting and hasn’t gotten NEARLY the attention it should…

So we’re going to cover it.

You may have heard the name Satoshi Nakamoto before.

“Satoshi” is allegedly the creator of Bitcoin, although he’s anonymous and no one has ever seen him or known his identity.

At least, that’s how the story goes….

Except there’s one clip circulating online that claims we know EXACTLY who Satoshi is…..

And by “we” I mean the U.S. Federal Government.

Or at least the Department of Homeland Security, to be more precise.

And it isn’t this guy:

It might be this guy 👇  but more on that in a moment:

Here’s the video that has been circulating but hasn’t been getting much attention….

It claims that in 2019, DHS Special Agent Rana Saoud and her partner wanted to interview Satoshi Nakamoto….so they did!

Only here’s the twist….it wasn’t just one person, it was FOUR people.


More here:

Here’s what’s never totally made sense about Bitcoin (but why I am so bullish on XRP)….

If the creator is anonymous and still holds a big chunk of Bitcoin, isn’t that a huge security risk?

How much does Satoshi allegedly still hold?

According to Grok, about $23 billion worth:

So isn’t that a major security risk for any country or company to hold Bitcoin?

What if “Satoshi” ends up being Russia?

Or China?

Or some rogue actor?

Or….the CIA?

Or Kim Jong Un?

You getting the picture?

But, if the Government already knows who Satoshi is, then the risk is much diminished right?

And if people like Michael Saylor already know who Satoshi is, then maybe that’s why he’s mortgaging his company’s future buying as much Bitcoin as he can get his hands on?

So….who is Satoshi?

Well, according to that video clip above, it’s FOUR people, and in 2019 they were residing in California.

Here is a list of 10 possible candidates:

  • Nick Szabo: A computer scientist and cryptographer, Szabo is known for his work on digital contracts and digital currency. He created a precursor to Bitcoin called Bit Gold. Some of his writings and ideas are closely related to the concepts in the Bitcoin whitepaper.
  • Dorian Nakamoto: A Japanese-American physicist, Dorian’s birth name is Satoshi Nakamoto. He has denied being the creator of Bitcoin but has a background in classified defense projects and computer finance.
  • Hal Finney: A pre-Bitcoin cryptographic pioneer, Finney was the first person to receive a Bitcoin transaction from Satoshi Nakamoto. He was also involved in the cypherpunk movement and had a history of working on cryptographic projects.
  • Craig Wright: An Australian computer scientist and businessman, Wright has claimed to be Satoshi Nakamoto. He has provided some evidence, but it has not been universally accepted as definitive proof.
  • Adam Back: A British cryptographer and computer scientist, Back is associated with the cypherpunk movement. Satoshi Nakamoto cited Back’s work on Hashcash in the Bitcoin whitepaper.
  • Wei Dai: A computer scientist, Dai’s expertise in cryptography makes him a leading candidate for being Satoshi Nakamoto. He created an early cryptocurrency called b-money, which shares similarities with Bitcoin.
  • David Kleiman: A cybersecurity expert and forensic analyst, Kleiman worked in the field of computer forensics and digital investigations. Some have speculated that he may have been involved in the creation of Bitcoin due to his expertise and close relationship with Craig Wright.
  • Michael Clear: A computer science and cryptography student at Trinity College Dublin, Clear was named the university’s top computer science undergraduate in 2008. Some have speculated that his background and expertise make him a possible candidate for being Satoshi Nakamoto.
  • Vili Lehdonvirta: A Finnish economic sociologist, Lehdonvirta was mentioned in a 2011 article in The New Yorker as a potential candidate for being Satoshi Nakamoto. He has denied any involvement in the creation of Bitcoin.
  • Neal King, Vladimir Oksman, and Charles Bry: A 2011 article in Fast Company suggested that this trio of technology entrepreneurs could be Satoshi Nakamoto. They have a patent application with a similar description to the Bitcoin system, but they have denied any connection to the creation of Bitcoin.

I personally don’t think it’s any of them….except maybe Hal Finney.

I think it’s much more likely it’s one or all three of these:

David Schwartz, Arthur Britto, and Jed McCaleb all have backgrounds in cryptography, computer science, and finance. They possess the technical knowledge and expertise necessary to create a cryptocurrency like Bitcoin. Schwartz is a well-known cryptographer and the Chief Cryptographer at Ripple, while Britto is a legendary futurist with a deep understanding of technology and finance. McCaleb is a serial entrepreneur who has created several successful and influential companies in the cryptocurrency space, including Mt. Gox and Ripple.

The connections between these individuals and the development of Bitcoin are significant. Schwartz and Britto were both co-founders of Ripple, a company that has made substantial contributions to the development of blockchain technology and digital currencies. McCaleb, on the other hand, founded Mt. Gox, the first major Bitcoin exchange, which played a crucial role in popularizing Bitcoin and making it accessible to a wider audience.

If you want more on this topic, here’s a fantastic breakdown including why it’s most likely that David Schwartz (ex-CIA) is at least one of the four:

Is David Schwartz (Joel Katz) Satoshi? “It’s certainly plausible I was part of a group…”

What do YOU think?


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