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Tax Filings Reveal Elon Musk’s New Initiative, The Path To Fixing Education?

If you can’t beat them join them, if you don’t want to join them then make your own.

Elon Musk is a guy who really puts his money where his mouth is. The billionaire industrialist went out of his way to purchase Twitter and rebrand it to X, the world’s only free-speech social media platform.

He also wants to take humanity to the stars, and while I think rocket propulsion won’t get us there, it’s nice to see someone trying. In short, he seems to want to see humanity do well, and I don’t doubt his sincerity.

Some of his projects I doubt, but the intention, the sincerity, are there in my estimation.

As part of that forward push to help humanity, Musk is reportedly creating a school system—that’s right, an entire system.

Recent tax filings have revealed that Elon Musk is starting an elementary school and a high school with plans to expand those schools into a full-blown university.

Each of the schools will be STEM-focused and located in Austin Texas—a tech hub of the United States. Here’s what everyone is saying:

“Musk is starting with an elementary and high school focused on STEM, which will slowly expand into a massive university. This is exactly what our country needs. Real education, not woke indoctrination. This is how you save the empire,” said End Wokeness.

Axios had more details:

The new charity’s trustees include Jared Birchall, head of Musk’s family office; Steven Chidester, a tax attorney at Withers worldwide; and Ronald Gong and Teresa Holland, who work at Catalyst Family Office in California.

X News Daily provided some quick points on the new education initiative:

“Elon Musk plans to establish a STEM-focused primary and secondary school, with eventual expansion into a university offering high-level education, featuring traditional and hands-on learning methods.

The university will employ “experienced faculty” and feature a traditional curriculum “alongside hands-on learning experience including simulations, case studies, fabrication/design projects and labs,” according to the application.

The plan for this university was formalized in an application for tax-exempt status to the IRS in October 2022, approved by March.

Elon has prior experience in education, having founded Ad Astra for his children and SpaceX employees’ children.

Elon’s new STEM school anticipates an initial class of 50 students and is in the process of staffing.”

According to The Texas Tribune:

According to the filing, the university would teach students in person “as well as using distance education technologies.” It expects to start enrollment with 50 students and scale up over time.

The school would fund its activities through donations and tuition fees, though the filing also states that if a student cannot pay tuition or fees, the school could provide financial aid.

It is currently hiring an executive director, teachers and administrators, the filing states.


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