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WATCH: Biden Admin Signs Pact, Coal COMPLETELY GONE By 2035?

I hate coal and I think burning things to generate energy is generally stupid.

We have nuclear power and the government is likely sitting on some form of electro-gravitic propulsion or some highly exotic way of generating clean, infinite energy—the coveted holy grail of zero-point energy.

However, none of these things is being touted as the solution to all our energy woes. Instead, what we are told is that we have to invest in windmills, electric cars, and other mid-20th-century technologies.

The ‘green energy’ movement is completely fraudulent and isn’t green at all. Even someone like me who knows fossil fuels are not the be-all and end-all of energy production does not advocate for abruptly ending our reliance on fossil fuels.

Unless of course a truly better method like the ones I mentioned above is employed. Gasoline and coal won’t take us to the stars, neither will a windmill or an electric vehicle.

What I am talking about here is obsolescence. An alternative form of energy must be so convincing that it renders all other forms of energy production completely obsolete.

When that happens there will be no debate, no protests, no cost-benefit analysis, it’ll just be painfully obvious.

John Kerry has long been the frontman for climate nonsense and fraud. He is one of these people at the forefront of touting mineral fuels as the future when they’re likely worse than the fossil fuels they aim to replace.

The purported ‘Climate Czar’, as he is affectionately known by the lobbyists and clients of the green energy lobby, recently called for the complete elimination of coal plants by 2035.

Moreover, he even acted as the official signatory in an international pact promising to do exactly that. End Wokeness pointed out: “36% of all global electricity is powered by coal. 20% of U.S. energy is coal.”

“After 19 Wyoming coal miners lost their jobs as a result of Green New Deal policies, Biden climate czar John Kerry took a private jet to the COP28 climate conference to pledge $17 million to a climate reparations fund. Millions for the climate crusade but nothing for miners,” Senator Lummis said.

The Epoch Times had more on the story:

“To meet our goal of 100 percent carbon pollution-free electricity by 2035, we need to phase out unabated coal,” he said in a statement, in which he announced at the annual United Nations COP28 climate change summit in Dubai, United Arab Emirates that the United States had officially joined a coalition of 56 other countries who all plan to ditch coal in the name of climate change.

Conservative influencer Travis in Flint asked the trillion-dollar question: “This move will leave over 100,000 Americans unemployed between the plant workers and coal miners. The plan is to replace the coal plants with wind and solar power. I guess politicians really aren’t looking out for Miners. How much more of America can they destroy?”

Fox News presented these projections made by the EPA:

Overall, under the regulations, an estimated 58 million tons of methane emissions would be prevented between 2024 and 2038, according to the EPA.

That is the equivalent of 1.5 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide and roughly the same amount emitted by the power sector in 2021.


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