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DEVELOPING: Critical U.S. Infrastructure HACKED, Foreign Adversaries To Blame?

Remember when the threat of a massive cyber-attack was just a conspiracy theory?

According to sources, critical U.S. infrastructure was attacked by a hacker group known as “Cyber Av3ngers” on Friday, though it is not yet certain if this attack is over or merely beginning.

Current reports allege that water treatment facilities in multiple states have been targeted by the group and lawmakers are concerned that the digital contagion may spread to other critical infrastructure across the country.

Sources also say that “Cyber Av3ngers” is affiliated with Iran’s Revolutionary Guard, though no conclusive link between the hacker group and the government of Iran has yet been shown.

One outlet laid out some of the details in this most recent episode of a cyber attack thought to have been perpetrated by a foreign adversary.

However, Clayton Morris recently sounded the alarm on a potential World Economic Forum false flag involving an Iranian false-flag event; could this recent cyber attack represent this false flag?

The Associated Press provided more details on the attack:

The multiagency advisory explained what CISA had not when it confirmed the Pennsylvania hack on Wednesday — that other industries outside water and water-treatment facilities use the same equipment — Vision Series programmable logic controllers made by Unitronics — and were also potentially vulnerable.

Those industries include “energy, food and beverage manufacturing and healthcare,” the advisory says. The devices regulate processes including pressure, temperature and fluid flow.

Investigative reporter Sulaiman Ahmed reports: “Iranian hackers pose a significant risk to critical infrastructure such as water systems, energy, and food sectors.

The ‘CyberAv3ngers,’ affiliated with the IRGC, have been actively targeting Unitronics systems in the United States since November 22, accompanied by messages. ‘You have been hacked, down with Israel.'”

ABC News offered this tip to institutions using Unitronics products:

The advisory notes that Unitronics devices ship with a default password, a practice experts discourage as it makes them more vulnerable to hacking.

Best practices call for devices to require a unique password to be created out of the box.

It says the hackers likely accessed affected devices by “exploiting cybersecurity weaknesses, including poor password security and exposure to the internet.”


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