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Trump Announces List of Biden Problems He’ll Work To Fix

This article originally appeared on

Guest by post by Bob Unruh 

Huge numbers of Americans, as reflected by polling, are dissatisfied with America under Joe Biden’s thumb.

Could be because of his pro-transgender and pro-abortion demands, maybe that 9.1% inflation of a year ago, or his insistence that people buy expensive and often hard-to-use electric vehicles.

So President Donald Trump, now leading the race to return to the White House in 2024, has listed the problems that he sees voters facing.

And problems he intends to address from the Oval Office.


A report at RSBNetwork cited Trump’s list, including his plans to rebuild the “greatest economy in the history of the world so that young people can thrive and prosper.”

Then there’s his intention to end “Joe Biden’s inflation nightmare.”

And focus on energy independence, a goal handed away by Biden’s multiple attacks on his own nation’s energy industry.

And reducing government spending, which under Biden has seen hundreds of billions of dollars spent on so-called “climate change” ideologies.

Then there’s the plan to lower interest rates – mortgages now are running about 7% – so young people can afford a home, and restore authority and respect for the law.

Another goal is to end the wave of “radical Marxist” prosecutors who often let criminals go free to repeat their violence, and secure the southern border.

Fighting the “scourge” of drug addiction and preventing schools from “pushing far-left content” round out the list.

So Trump offered his insights into the problems today’s youth are facing.

“He cited a new poll from NBC News, pointing out his four-point lead against Biden among voters ages 18 to 34, reflecting his gains with young Americans nationwide. In September, an impressive poll from The Washington Post/ABC found that Trump was leading over Biden by a whopping 20 points among voters under 35, for example,” the report said.

After all, during his first administration, he noted, mortgage rates were 2.65%, inflation almost not there, and gas of $1.87 per gallon.

Copyright 2023 WND News Center


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