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Disgraced Former Governor Andrew Cuomo is Being Sued for Sexual Assault

Disgraced former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is now being sued for sexual assault.

This news comes after a torrent of false allegations have been brought against Republican officials.

But here’s the difference:

Allegations against Republicans usually surface decades after the supposed incident.

There’s very little proof.

And the story rarely holds together when scrutinized.

Compare this to the lawsuit and allegations against Cuomo, which are from his executive assistant from when he was governor just a few years ago.

See the difference?

Against Republicans, the allegations come out of left field.

But with Democrats like Cuomo, the allegations surface almost immediately.

Cuomo was hailed as a savior by the mainstream media during the COVID era.

But it seems as if his star is fading.

This lawsuit could forever taint the ex-governor’s legacy.

Per the New York Post:

Disgraced former governor Andrew Cuomo is being sued for sexual assault by his former executive assistant Brittany Commisso, according to a legal summons filed just before the deadline for the Adult Survivors Act, The Post learned Friday.

Commisso alleges that while she worked in the Executive Chamber as an executive assistant from 2019 through August 2021 her ex-boss subjected her to “humiliating and demeaning tasks, hugs, kisses, sexual touching of the buttocks and forcible touching of the breast.”

The divorced mom of one, who joined the then-governor’s team in 2017, has previously accused Cuomo, 65, of groping her inside the Executive Mansion — an allegation that led to a misdemeanor criminal complaint being filed against the former governor.

She said Cuomo began a campaign of retaliation against her starting on Dec. 7, 2020 the day she rejected his attempt “to engage in sexual acts,” the summons filed in Albany Supreme Court on Wednesday alleges.

And after she reported Cuomo’s alleged conduct on March 8, 2021, then-Lieutenant Governor Kathy Hochul, “demoted her” resassigning her to “the demeaning task of answering telephones in the Lieutenant Governor’s office until moved to other offices,” the court filing claims.

If these charges had been made by an assistant from President Trump’s first term, don’t you think this would be all over the media?

So why are the mainstream cable networks seemingly ignoring this story?

Are they afraid to expose scandalous behavior by Democrat politicians?

There’s actually a lot of irony going on here.

You see, Cuomo is being sued through New York’s Adult Survivors Act.

This act was created so that women could sue Donald Trump.

Well, now, it’s being used to sue Democrats.

The Daily Mail has the juicy details:

The disgraced former governor of New York Andrew Cuomo has been sued for sexual assault by his former executive assistant who claims he subjected her to ‘demeaning tasks’, kisses and groping.

Brittany Commisso filed the lawsuit in Albany Supreme Court on Wednesday ahead of the deadline for the Adult Survivors Act on Thursday, according to the New York Post.

She worked as an executive assistant in the Executive Chamber from 2019 until August 2021 and alleged Cuomo put her through ‘humiliating and demeaning tasks, hugs, kisses, sexual touching of the buttocks and forcible touching of the breast.’

Commisso previously accused the former governor of groping her inside the Executive Mansion and filed a criminal complaint against him which was later dropped.

Cuomo, 65, resigned in 2021 amid a series of scandals including allegations of sexual harassment and claims that his administration lied about the number of Covid-19 deaths in nursing home across the Empire State – accusations which he has denied.

Commisso, a married mother of one, claimed that Cuomo started a campaign of retaliation against her on December 7, 2020 after she refused his attempt ‘to engage in sexual acts’.

She reported his alleged misconduct on March 8, 2021 before then-Lieutenant Governor Kathy Hochul ‘demoted her’ and resigned her to ‘the demeaning task of answering telephones in the Lieutenant Governor’s office until moved to other offices’, according to the lawsuit.

The former executive assistant claims she lost out on pay for overtime, was ‘given little or no work’ and ostracized from her colleagues.

She also alleged her career opportunities suffered after she reported Cuomo.

Again, we want to emphasize how this was reported almost immediately.

The allegations are just now becoming public.

She didn’t wait decades to come forward.

Compare that to allegations against Republican officials, which coincidentally always come decades after the fact.

The mainstream cable networks are going to refuse to cover this story.

So it’s up to us now.

Be sure to share this with your family and friends!

Especially those in New York!


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