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Mike Johnson: Republicans Won’t Make The Same Impeachment Mistake Democrats Made

House Republicans have resumed their impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden since Mike Johnson was elected as the Speaker of the House.

Over the past week, the House Oversight Committee, led by James Comer, announced that they were getting closer to having enough evidence for an impeachment after finding a trail of money connected to Biden.

The revelation allowed the Oversight Committee to issue subpoenas for James and Hunter Biden as well as other associates.

Even though it seems like the Republicans have strong evidence to go ahead with an impeachment of Joe Biden, Speaker Mike Johnson wants to make sure his party has enough ammo to make the charges stick.

From Newsmax:

House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., told Newsmax on Monday although the evidence stacks up against Mayorkas and Biden, Republicans will not rush the impeachment process like Democrats did the two times they impeached former President Donald Trump.

“Next to a declaration of war, impeachment is arguably one of the heaviest powers that the House has,” Johnson told “The Record With Greta Van Susteren.” “We have to do it in the right manner. But the evidence that’s built up against Mayorkas is so complete. “I think he’s probably one of the worst cabinet secretaries on the evidence, objectively speaking, in the history of the country. He’s opened the border [with] intentional policy decisions and all the terrible societal ills that come from that.

“… I understand the angst of our members, I share it myself, and the American people really want something done on that border, and this is an important gesture.”

Johnson, who was on the House defense teams for Trump during his two impeachment trials in the Senate, called impeaching a president “the nuclear option” and said he lamented the way Democrats abused the process with Trump and opened a Pandora’s Box.

“Under the House Republican leadership, what we’ve done is the way it’s supposed to be done,” Johnson said. “It’s a slow, deliberate process where you uncover the evidence, and then you follow the truth where it leads, and that’s what we’ve done.”

Johnson praised the work of Rep. James Comer, R-Ky., chair of the Committee on Oversight and Accountability, Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, chair of the Judiciary Committee, and Rep. Jason Smith, R-Mo., chair of the Ways and Means Committee for their work in the investigation of Biden and his family.

“That evidence has built up, and it is substantial,” Johnson said. “We know that the president has lied about his knowledge of his family’s shell companies getting millions of dollars from foreign adversaries, the list goes on and on.


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