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Man ARRESTED In Connection To Death Threats Against MAGA Lawmaker

Why are all of these death threats almost always one-way?

Yet another Republican lawmaker has been targeted with death threats to her office, presumably because she is a Republican, though we do not know the exact reasoning behind the threats at this time.

Marjorie Taylor Greene is a MAGA firebrand and has attracted a lot of attention—both wanted and unwanted.

Her rise to fame and notoriety has made her the object of constant death threats. The most recent one came in the form of two phone calls made to her office from one individual.

34-year-old Sean Patrick Cirillo, of Macon Georgia, has since been charged with using communication platforms to make threats. We will bring you more updates as they become available to us; for now, here’s more on the story:

Marjorie Taylor Greene told CNN:

“I want to thank every single member of law enforcement who acted swiftly in response to this murderous threat.

From Rome City Police, the Floyd County Sheriff’s Office, U.S. Capitol Police, the House Sergeant at Arms, and ultimately the FBI who made the arrest, every official acted quickly to put this man behind bars.”

The Texas One provided some of the death threats allegedly made by Cirillo: ‘I’m going to murder her; I’m going to shoot her in the f***ing head and kill her, OK!’ Cirillo said. ‘Tell the FBI. You’re going to die. Your family is going to die!’ the caller yelled.”

Newsmax presented more quotes from the Republican lawmaker:

Greene, who was in Washington, D.C., on Thursday, added she receives death threats “on an almost daily basis” and that it “should never be tolerated.”

She said she closed her district office in Dalton as a precaution.


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