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Nashville Mayor Outraged Trans Shooters Manifesto Was Leaked. What Are They Hiding?

Earlier today, Stephen Crowder on X shared the leaked manifesto from the Nashville trans school shooter that killed six people.

See the manifesto here:

BREAKING: Nashville Trans School Shooter Manifesto Reportedly Leaked [SEE IT HERE]

The manifesto made racist remarks, calling for the death of "crackers," and was full of resentment for people going to a private ELEMENTARY school.

These were kids that she targeted.

Now, the Mayor of Nashville has spoken out about the manifesto.

"Condemning the actions?" you might ask.


He has come out and is investigating how the manifesto was leaked.

Why are they hiding this from us?

Fox News shares more on the story:

In what appear to be crime scene photographs of the killer's handwritten notes, the unverified documents would explain why police were quick to label the massacre "calculated and planned."

"We are aware of that assertion," a city police spokeswoman told Fox News Digital Monday. However, she said it was too early to confirm the documents' authenticity and that authorities were investigating. Police later released a statement adding that "The photographs are not MNPD crime scene images."

Nashville police have said they recovered documents in the 28-year-old Hale's car after police killed the suspect on the school's second floor. However, they have been fighting in court not to release the manifesto, and so has a group of parents from the school.

The National Police Association is involved in a court battle with Nashville's city and police department demanding the manifesto be made public. Officials there told Fox News Digital their case is still pending, and the documents did not come out in court.

"I think it highlights the importance of getting the information out as soon as possible," said Doug Pierce, the Tennessee attorney representing the NPA in the case, who called the potential leak a "bombshell" but said he could not confirm the documents.

Is it possible that they were intentionally hiding the manifesto because of the references to killing white people?

This manifesto highlights the dangers of extreme-leftist ideologies.

The ironic twist, of course, is that the shooter was a white female.

She speaks of hating white people, calling them "crackers," and speaking down to these CHILDREN with supposed "white privilege."

This awful event highlights the radical left's ability to spew this radical ideology but then sweep it under the rug whenever these beliefs turn into horrifying actions.


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