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Kamala Harris’ Stepdaughter Promotes $8M Gaza Fundraising Campaign: ‘Abhorrent’

Kamala Harris’ stepdaughter, Ella Emhoff, has promoted an $8M fundraiser for the children affected in Gaza.

The fundraiser has drawn criticism as many are asking why the money will be sent to the children of Gaza and not the children killed in Israel.

Rep. Jeff Van Drew called the fundraiser “abhorrent” and “disturbing to the maximum degree.

The New York Post shares more on the story:

Ella Emhoff, 24 — whose father, First Gentleman Doug Emhoff, is Jewish — affixed a fundraising drive “supporting urgent relief for Gaza’s children” on her personal Instagram account.

It makes no mention of the scores of Israeli children murdered among the 1,400 innocent Israelis killed by Hamas terrorists on Oct. 7.

Her promotion puts the funding appeal in front of her 315,000 Instagram followers.

The fundraiser, which has netted more than $7.8 million so far, is being operated by the Palestinian Children’s Relief Fund, a nonprofit based in Kent, Ohio, which raked in more than $21 million in 2021, according to ProPublica.

It’s unclear how much, if anything, Ella Emhoff has personally donated to the cause.

“It’s of tremendous concern and I find it abhorrent,” said Rep. Jeff Van Drew (R-NJ). “To be honest with you, I am kind of stunned by it. It’s disturbing to the maximum degree.”

Van Drew, a member of the House Homeland Security Committee, said it was almost certain that Hamas would be able to siphon any humanitarian cash that entered Gaza.

Ella Emhoff has pointedly insisted to reporters that she does not consider herself Jewish.

The war in Israel/Gaza has divided this country so greatly.

Nobody knows who to support, and many are so uneducated about the war that it leaves them making idiotic decisions.

The Messenger shares more on the story:

Vice President Harris has affirmed Israel’s right to defend itself in the Hamas-Israel war which began on Oct. 7 when Hamas launched an unprecedented attack.

“A terrorist organization, Hamas, slaughtered hundreds of young people at a concert … Israel, without any question, has a right to defend itself,” Harris declared in a “60 Minutes” interview last Sunday.

But “that being said, it is very important that there be no conflation between Hamas and the Palestinians,” she added. “The Palestinians deserve equal measures of safety and security, self-determination and dignity, and we have been very clear that the rules of war must be adhered to and that there be humanitarian aid that flows.”

Harris met with Secretary-General of the United Nations António Guterres on Thursday to discuss the need for an increase in humanitarian aid for civilians in Gaza.

Many people assume that in war, there is always an apparent good vs evil, but there is not.

There is plenty of blame to go around on each side.

Untold numbers of civilians are killed each day on both sides.

I sympathize with the civilians killed in Gaza, but I also understand that fundraising relief can easily fall into the hands of Hamas terrorists and likely will.


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