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BREAKING: President Trump’s Lawyers File Emergency Motion – Next Stop: The Supreme Court

President Trump’s legal team has filed an emergency motion to remove the gag order in the Jan. 6 case.

His legal team is fighting to protect President Trump’s freedom of speech as the 2024 election draws closer.

President Trump’s attorneys have said that if the gag order is not removed, they would appeal it to the US Supreme Court.

As they should!

The New York Post shares more on the story:

“No court in American history has imposed a gag order on a criminal defendant who is actively campaigning for public office—let alone the leading candidate for President of the United States,” Trump’s attorneys wrote in a Nov. 2 emergency request before the US Court of Appeals in Washington, DC.

“That centuries-long practice was broken on October 17, 2023, when the district court entered its Opinion and Order, A1 (the “Gag Order”), muzzling President Trump’s core political speech during an historic Presidential campaign,” the filing states.

The Trump legal team — headed by Florida attorney John Lauro and Missouri attorney Jon Sauer — requested the federal appeals court to pause the gag order in the 2020 election case and issue its own ruling by Nov. 10.

The attorneys added that they would appeal to the US Supreme Court if the motion was denied.

On Sunday, US District Judge Tanya Chutkan reinstated the gag order after federal prosecutors filed a memo arguing Trump’s “history of using inflammatory language to target” their team, the judge, potential members of the jury and political witnesses had heightened the risk of threats and intimidation.

Judge Chutkan needs to be removed from this case, and Jack Smith needs to be locked behind bars for wasting taxpayer’s money and time with these blatantly false accusations.

President Trump deserves the right to speak and campaign freely as the campaigning season begins.

It is ridiculous to think that a presidential nominee would have their freedom of speech suppressed.

All of these court cases are meant to handicap President Trump.

CBS News shares more on the story:

Trump’s motion — which was widely expected — follows Chutkans rejection of a similar request to stay the gag order. The judge temporarily put the ruling on hold as she considered the request, but ultimately decided that it should stay in place.

Smith’s team originally asked the judge to restrict the former president’s speech during pre-trial litigation, citing what prosecutors alleged were the potential dangers his language posed to the administration of justice and the integrity of the legal proceedings.

Chutkan only partially granted the government request, barring Trump from publicly targeting court staff, federal prosecutors by name, and potential witnesses in the case. The judge said at the time her order was not based on whether she liked the comments in question, but whether they could imperil the future trial. Trump, Chutkan said, was being treated like any other defendant.

The notion that President Trump could say anything to harm this case is ridiculous.

These people only want to silence a political opponent


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