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WATCH: Donald Trump Jr. Tesifies In Manhattan Court

Donald Trump Jr. who serves as the Executive Vice President of the Trump Organization is beginning his second day testifying inside of a Manhattan court as witness in his father’s civil fraud case.

Videos of Don Jr. in the courtroom have surfaced all over X after New York Judge Arthur Engoron is allowing cameras in the court room.

Eric Trump is also set to testifying today.

Both Eric, Don Jr.and President Trump are being accused of committing fraud on behalf of the Trump Organization but all three have denied committing any fraud.

Watch Don Jr. in court here:

Here’s what NPR reported:

Donald Trump Jr., executive vice president of the Trump Organization and a son of former President Donald Trump, began his second day of testimony Thursday in the New York County Supreme Court.

Eric Trump, another executive vice president of the Trump Organization and brother of Trump Jr., is also expected to begin testimony Thursday. Trump Jr. began testifying Wednesday in a civil trial accusing him, his brother and his father of knowingly committing fraud.

Trump Jr. testified that he relied on others to vet statements of financial condition. The statements, which trustees of the Donald J. Trump Revocable Trust were “responsible for,” have already been found to be fraudulent by New York Judge Arthur Engoron.

Colleen Faherty, the lawyer for the attorney general, kicked off questions by asking Trump Jr. about his prior roles in the Trump Organization and as a trustee of the Trump Revocable Trust. She also asked about the hierarchy in the business and where it placed him, his brother, his father and Allen Weisselberg, the former Trump Organization chief financial officer, who are all defendants in the trial.

Per Reuters:

Donald Trump’s son Donald Trump Jr. on Thursday acknowledged in court that he had signed financial documents for the family company that a New York judge has ruled were fraudulent, but sought to pin the blame on others who worked on them.

In a second day of testimony, Donald Jr., 45, said he relied on accountants within the Trump Organization and outside firm Mazars to ensure that financial estimates of trophy properties and other assets were accurate.

“They had more information and details on all of this than I would have,” he said on the witness stand. “That’s why we have accountants.”

Those documents are at the heart of a New York civil fraud trial that threatens to hobble the real-estate empire that built Trump’s reputation as a business mogul before he entered politics.

Donald Jr. is one of four family members due to testify in the case.


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