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Explosives Found At Southern Border – “Increased Threat For A Terrorist Attack”

A group of GOP senators, including Sen. Barrasso, Sen. Cornyn, Sen. Cruz, and Sen. Ricketts, has expressed their concerns about the southern borders after a visit.

It was reported that Border Patrol agents seized immigrants who were carrying explosives “tailored for terrorism.”

We have heard the warnings for months that terrorists are going to enter through the southern border, but here is the evidence.

Fox News shares more on the story:

Cruz, who has led several groups of lawmakers to southwest Texas, said Border Patrol agents are “frustrated” because “they risk their lives catching dangerous people, and they turn around and their political superiors just let them go.”

“And the next day, they go back and catch the same people all over again,” he said.

Minors are often accompanied by older men, and it is unclear whether they are actually related to the child, Cruz said.

“We know under the Trump administration when they DNA tested grown men with children about 30% of them were not related to the kids. That’s because you get preferential treatment if you arrive as a family unit,” Cruz said.

Meanwhile, Department of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas confirmed there were more than 600,000 known gotaways at the border in fiscal year 2023 during a hearing in the Senate Homeland Committee Tuesday morning.

We are living in an insane time.

When in history has there been a leader that just opens the borders for waves of immigrants, criminals, and terrorists to pour in?

Watch this video that Rep. Jim Jordan Tweeted out:

The Department of Homeland Security does NOT care about this country or its safety.

They care about maintaining control of power for the federal government.

And just when you thought it couldn’t get worse.

A caravan of around 5,000 people is moving through Mexico to the U.S. southern border.

The Associated Press News shares more on that story:

About 5,000 migrants from Central America, Venezuela, Cuba and Haiti set out on foot from Mexico’s southern border Monday, walking north toward the U.S.

The migrants complained that processing for refugee or exit visas takes too long at Mexico’s main migrant processing center in the city of Tapachula, near the Guatemalan border. Under Mexico’s overwhelmed migration system, people seeking such visas often wait for weeks or months, without being able to work.

The migrants formed a long line Monday along the highway, escorted at times by police. The police are usually there to prevent them from blocking the entire highway, and sometimes keep them from hitching rides.

Monday’s march was among the largest since June 2022. Migrant caravans in 2018 and 2019 drew far greater attention. But with as many as 10,000 migrants showing up at the U.S. border in recent weeks, Monday’s march is now just a drop in the bucket.

We are reaching a boiling point as a country.

There are only so many immigrants that can be let in.

These people are NOT Americans.

They will continue to flood in with their own cultures.

Taking jobs and taking up as much social aid as the government permits.

All while real Americans are paying the bill through increasing taxes.


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