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Biden Adds Unconfirmed Secretary Of Labor To Presidential Succession – What’s The Plan?

Acting Secretary of Labor Julie Su has been added to Biden’s presidential line of succession.

This move has raised the eyebrows of many GOP members asking why Biden has added an UNCONFIRMED member of government to the line of succession.

Biden appointed Julie Su as the Secretary of Labor, but she has yet to be confirmed by the Senate due to bipartisan disagreement about the appointee.

GOP members have requested that Biden clarify why he believes Su is eligible for the presidential succession.

Fox News shares more on the story:

In a Tuesday letter to President Biden, Alabama GOP Sen. Katie Britt and 29 of her Republican Senate colleagues expressed “grave concerns” and requested clarification from the administration for its “apparent belief” that Su is “eligible to assume the office of President of the United States pursuant to the presidential line of succession as established by Congress in the Presidential Succession Act of 1947.”

“As you are well aware, since March 14, 2023, the United States Senate has declined to confirm Ms. Su’s nomination as Secretary of Labor, and she continues to lack adequate support from both Republican and Democratic members of the Senate to be confirmed to that position,” the senators wrote. “Despite that reality and Ms. Su becoming the longest-ever Cabinet nominee to await confirmation in a time when the same party controls the White House and the Senate, the White House has chosen to keep her in place as Acting Secretary of Labor on an indefinite basis and has also listed her on the White House website as a member of the Cabinet ‘[i]n order of succession to the Presidency.’”

Listed ninth in the “order of succession” to the presidency on the White House’s website, Su previously served as California’s labor secretary under Gov. Gavin Newsom from 2019 to 2021.

What is Biden doing here?

Is this a message to Congress that it doesn’t matter whether they confirm someone, he will do whatever he likes?


Is this some kinda of preparation for something in the future?

Is Biden expecting himself to pass away soon?

This is a confusing move for Biden.

Senator Scott and colleagues have come together to write a letter to Biden.

Here is the letter on Rep. Scott’s website:

“It is unimaginable to think that this Administration believes someone who has neither been duly elected nor confirmed by the Senate to the position of Secretary of Labor could be President of the United States.  Suggesting that Ms. Su is eligible to be in the presidential line of succession is antithetical to our system of governance and the bedrock principles on which our Republic rests,” wrote the senators. “Furthermore, as many of our Senate colleagues have done in the past, we once again call upon you to withdraw Ms. Su’s nomination and put forward a nominee for Secretary of Labor who is capable of garnering sufficient support on a bipartisan basis to be confirmed.”

They are right to question Biden’s decision here.

Granted, Su is very far down the line of succession, and it is unlikely to ever come to fruition.

Could you imagine a scenario where an unelected individual becomes the President?

It spits in the face of our democracy and should be called out for what it is.



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