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President Trump Issues NEW Statement!

As geopolitical tensions continue to rise across the globe, President Trump has issued a new statement condemning the foreign policies of the Biden regime.

President Trump likened Joe Biden to former British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain.

Chamberlain was famous for his policy of appeasement toward Germany during the buildup to the Second World War and is widely regarded as one of the reasons the nation was able to cement its power in Europe.

What is interesting is that many left-wing voices claimed that the 45th President of the United States would be the cause of WWIII.

However, Biden’s tenure has been one of international tumult, with wars breaking out all over the planet—wars that our government funds both sides of in almost every single conflict.

I am a big fan of President Trump’s foreign policy, he’s the first President in my lifetime not to start a new war—a giant step in the right direction.

However, and this is a giant however, the absolute last thing America needs is to stand by Israel or send funding to anyone, at any time, for any reason.

A nation with $33 trillion in debt, where the interest payments on that debt alone are higher than the money allotted for the entire defense budget, cannot afford to stand by anyone except their own people.

How about pledging to stop devaluing our currency through endless money printing used to fund wars that prop up highly corrupt foreign regimes? America first

Here’s what the 45th President had to say:

CBS Austin, an affiliate of CBS News, also provided another recent statement from President Trump regarding the geopolitical situation:

“We are closer to World War III than we’ve ever been. And I’m the only one that will prevent World War III.

That won’t be a war with army tanks going back and forth, too. There will be a war with weaponry the likes of which this world has never seen before … I know it. I know it better than anybody.”

According to Forbes, Elon Musk had this to say about our ailing currency due to numerous currency devaluations:

Musk was commenting on an X post asking: What’s a scam that’s so normalized we don’t even realize it’s a scam anymore?

“Fiat currency,” Musk replied, referring to state-issued money backed by government borrowing rather than a scarce resource like gold or bitcoin.


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