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Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s Campaign Manager Is A Former CIA Officer

Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s campaign team announced a new campaign manager this weekend.

Amaryllis Fox Kennedy, married to Robert F. Kennedy III (RFK Jr.’s son), is now the sole campaign manager for the independent candidate.

She formerly served as co-campaign manager with former Rep. Dennis Kucinich, but the ex-Congressman resigned from his post.

Fox Kennedy is a former Central Intelligence Agency Officer, departing the agency in 2010.

The National Pulse reports:

Amaryllis Fox Kennedy, married to RFK‘s son of the same name, was announced as Kucinich’s replacement this weekend, after he suggested the campaign needed a “new direction.” Kucinich, who also ran for president on two occasions, had been RFK’s campaign manager since the latter announced his presidential run earlier this year.

“Amaryllis is a woman of extraordinary intelligence and drive who I am confident will take this campaign to the next level,” said RFK in a statement following the announcement.

Amaryllis spent a decade at the CIA working in the organization’s most elite and clandestine operations unit. Her memoir suggests she was deployed to 16 different countries as part of her goal of hunting some of the world’s most dangerous terrorists.

Her writings, however, have been criticized as “grossly exaggerated” and “BS” by multiple senior CIA colleagues. William Murray, a CIA operations official, said: “You don’t go wandering around Karachi on your own… You’ll wind up in some warlord’s harem, or you’ll wind up dead.”

“A former CIA officer who says she spent years under deep cover has written what appears to be one of the most revealing memoirs ever put to paper by an American intelligence operative — a book so intriguing that Apple bought the television rights even before its October publication date,” NBC News wrote in 2019.

The outlet claimed Fox Kennedy submitted her memoir to a publisher without getting approval from the CIA’s Publication Review Board.

Per NBC News:

For example, Fox writes about posing as an international art dealer while living in Shanghai and seeking to infiltrate nuclear weapons procurement networks in Europe and the Middle East. She offers details about how the CIA uses secret software — “covcom,” for covert communications” — to message sources in foreign countries. She describes disguises, surveillance avoidance techniques and how the CIA obtained false identifications from motor vehicle and passport agencies.

The details are particularly sensitive because Fox says she operated under nonofficial cover, meaning she posed as a private citizen, not a diplomat. So-called NOCs put themselves at greater risk because they lack diplomatic immunity and can be arrested and jailed if caught spying. The CIA doesn’t discuss how it uses NOCs. Nor does the agency typically allow officers to name countries in which they operated, other than war zones.

Fox, who is now married to a grandson of Robert F. Kennedy, acknowledged to NBC News that the advance copy did not have final approval from the CIA, but she said she submitted a manuscript more than a year ago and the agency has so far requested only minor changes that she agreed to. She said she will make further changes to the final version to mollify agency censors.


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