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WATCH: Bill Gates Backtracks, Says The Quiet Part Out Loud…

I honestly cannot believe my eyes or ears right now.

Bill Gates, one of the biggest climate hoax pushers, has completely backtracked on previous comments and stances he has taken on climate change.

Gates told The New York Times: “There’s a lot of climate exaggeration. The climate is not the end of the planet. So the planet is going to be fine… and no temperate country is going to become uninhabitable.”

This clearly shocked The New York Times interviewer, as can be heard in his voice after Gates makes his startling claim.

Additionally, the independent media didn’t fail to notice Gates’ backpedaling on the issue.

Despite his backtracking, Gates is still sponsoring initiatives like these reported by Fortune:

Instead of unproven methods like planting trees, Gates said he prefers carbon taxes as ways to fund future green technologies, in particular carbon capture, which aims to take CO2 out of the atmosphere.

Although he acknowledged that in most cases large fossil fuel and electricity companies would pass those costs on to consumers, making it a politically unpalatable policy for elected officials.

“If you try to do climate things by brute force you’ll sometimes get people that say, ‘Hey I like climate. I’m for climate. I don’t want to bear that cost and reduce my standard of living.’”

Illuminati Bot shared one of Gates’ newest initiatives to combat ‘climate change’: “Bill Gates is now funding a company that wants to CUT DOWN 70 million acres of trees and bury them underground. Why? To stop climate change of course. This is madness.”

According to Fox News, earlier this year, Gates was rebuked by another climate ‘expert’:

“As a climate expert, I consider these environmental manipulation techniques extremely risky.

And as an African climate expert, I strongly object to the idea that Africa should be turned into a testing ground for their use.

Even if solar geoengineering can help deflect heat and improve weather conditions on the ground — a prospect that is unproven on any relevant scale — it’s not a long-term solution to climate change.

It sends a message to the world that we can carry on over-consuming and polluting because we will be able to engineer our way out of the problem,”


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