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BREAKING: Top Candidate For Speakership To DROP OUT

Earlier today, I saw a picture of Steve Scalise wearing a face mask on Capitol Hill.

How out of touch with the Republican base could this man possibly be, and how on earth was he chosen to be the GOP nominee for House Speaker?

After initially winning the preliminary nomination to run for Speaker of the House, Scalise is now reportedly unable to come up with the necessary 217 votes to secure the position.

Moreover, Republican voters overwhelmingly support Jim Jordan for House Speaker—no one wants Scalise, and the polls aren’t even close.

Now, it is being widely reported that Scalise is expected to drop out of the race as early as Thursday.

“Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) says at least 20 Republicans will not be voting for Scalise. Jim Jordan is expected to jump back into the race for Speaker of the House as soon as TODAY,” Nick Sortor explained.

Rogan O’Handley shared the results of a recent poll from Rep. Thomas Massie asking GOP voters who they would support for Speaker of the House.

On Wednesday, Fox News reported:

GOP lawmakers voted via secret ballot. Scalise won 113 votes, while Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan won 99.

House Republicans voted minutes earlier to table a motion to raise the threshold for electing a speaker to 217 — a majority of the conference.

Catturd writes: “The big money donors and lobbyists want Steve Scalise as Speaker. The voters want Jim Jordan as Speaker. So naturally, the Republican Congress goes behind closed doors on a secret ballot and screws their voters over again, AS USUAL.”

CNBC provided this update:

The GOP majority leader from Louisiana does not appear to have the 217 Republican votes needed to win the speaker’s gavel at this time given the tight margin in the closely divided House.


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