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WATCH: White House Does 180 On Ukraine Funding?

Is anyone truly surprised by any of the recent developments?

There’s a hot new war on the block that is currently raging in the Middle East, and the war hawks, along with their friends in the military-industrial complex, can’t wait to get in on the action.

A new war means new funding measures, a new focus, and, of course, higher stock prices for the defense industry.

An overwhelming majority of Americans no longer support the failed war effort in Ukraine, and it seems like the White House may be using Israel as an excuse to abandon the Eastern European country.

During a recent press conference, Secretary of State John Kirby told the media that Ukraine funding would not continue indefinitely and appeared to be shaky, at best, regarding funding for the country.

At the same time, sources have revealed that the Biden administration intends on bundling funding for Taiwan, Israel, and Ukraine together—leading many to believe that it will simply be used as a front to launder even more money into the corrupt Slavic country.

Here’s what John Kirby had to say when questioned on the topic of continued funding for Ukraine:

According to Daily Caller: “House Republicans are not happy about the Biden admin’s plans to couple Israel aide with Ukraine funding.”

Late last month, Russia Today, a state-affiliated outlet, provided this statement from Kirby:

“We’ve got a little bit more funding to go, so I think we’ll be ok for the next few weeks or so.

But without the supplemental request that we asked for, it will absolutely have an effect on our ability to support Ukraine well into the fall and into the winter months.

Not getting that supplemental request if there’s a shutdown – that’s gonna have a significant impact on their ability to succeed on the battlefield.”

Donald Trump Jr. provided a different perspective: “Hearing that Dems are working with RINO GOP Leadership to tie any new aid to Israel to more Ukraine funding.

Instead of just helping Israel after these barbaric attacks, they’re going to try to use this tragedy to light billions more on fire in Ukraine. These people are sick!!!”

Kyle Becker echoed the conservative sentiment: “As predicted, the Biden regime is exploiting the Israel War to bolster waning support for its 45th Ukraine war funding package.”

According to NBC News:

The White House and some key lawmakers have been discussing linking Ukraine and Israel aid.

House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul, R-Texas, has said he’s open to a package that includes aid for Israel, Ukraine and Taiwan, as well as funding for additional security at the U.S.-Mexico border.


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