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NO To Jim Jordan For Speaker

Do you want Kevin McCarthy 2.0?

Then you’re gonna LOVE Jim Jordan!

For everyone else, it should be a HARD NO on Jim Jordan for Speaker.

Yes, I know President Trump endorsed Jim Jordan today.

But we aren’t blind sycophants here.

We think for ourselves, we don’t just take everything President Trump says as Gospel truth.

Sometimes Trump is playing a larger game…..

Sometimes he likes shining the spotlight on these people to expose them.

Is that what’s happening here?

I don’t know, but I am not on the Jim Jordan train.

Don’t forget, Jim Jordan defended McCarthy:

Said McCarthy was doing a great job!

You want McCarthy 2.0?

That looks like Jim Jordan to me.

Then we have Jim Jordan ALREADY talking about new funding for Ukraine:

Jim Jordan: “We want questions answered before we even think about sending money to Ukraine.”


Sad to say this guy continues to give off increasingly new RINO vibes.

We want NO money ever again going to Ukraine and we want the money we already sent BACK! You don’t get it Jim!

Sorry Jim, you just don’t get it.

We don’t want “conditions” on new funding for Ukraine….

We don’t want “questions first” before new funding for Ukraine….

We want ZERO new funding for Ukraine, PERIOD.

This is not the United States of Ukraine, it’s the United States of America, and sending billions upon billions overseas while our Country turns into a first-rate shithole is treason, if you ask me!

No to McCarthy.

No to Ukraine.

NO to Jim Jordan!

Is Trump’s endorsement a true endorsement or just shining a bright spotlight on another RINO?

Even when the RINOs hide themselves really well, a RINO is still a RINO.

Take a look:

Here’s a zoom-in so you can read easier:

So….what say YOU?


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