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Democrats Are Threatening TOTAL Shutdown If Ukraine Doesn’t Receive Billions

Democrat Senator Cory Booker of New Jersey is threatening a total government shutdown if Ukraine doesn’t receive funding.

Booker stated in his latest interview with CNN “We’re going to do whatever we have to do to fight to make sure Ukraine funding happens and it happens in a way that gives them the unbroken resources that they need to continue to repel this Russian invasion.”

In response to Booker’s statement CNN Host Caitlin Collins asked “Are you willing to hold up any bill that comes to the Senate without that funding for Ukraine in it?”

Booker responded  “I’ve heard in our private meetings in the Senate are so strong in support of Ukraine. And I know from talking to my Republican colleagues over there that there is a strong support there as well.

Breitbart had more details to add:

On Wednesday’s broadcast of CNN’s “The Source,” Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) responded to a question on whether he’d hold up a bill to prevent a government shutdown if it doesn’t have Ukraine funding by stating that “we’re going to do whatever we have to do to fight to make sure Ukraine funding happens and it happens in a way that gives them the unbroken resources that they need to continue to repel this Russian invasion.”

Host Kaitlan Collins asked, “Are you willing to hold up any bill that comes to the Senate without that funding for Ukraine in it?”

Booker responded, “I have never seen the kind of resolve in my caucus, and I wish there were public meetings to see the passionate speeches given across the spectrum of my caucus in the Senate about how the urgency we all see, people have quoted history, we’ve had people who stood up who had relatives who survived the Holocaust, the speeches I’ve heard in our private meetings in the Senate are so strong in support of Ukraine. And I know from talking to my Republican colleagues over there that there is a strong support there as well. So, I have every confidence that we’re going to do whatever we have to do to fight to make sure Ukraine funding happens and it happens in a way that gives them the unbroken resources that they need to continue to repel this Russian invasion.”


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