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Steve Bannon: Let Donald Trump Be Next House Speaker!

Steve Bannon has a good idea and that’s why not let Donald J. Trump be the next House Speaker.

In Steve Bannon’s latest report on the War Room, Bannon stated that members of Congress should select Trump as the next House Speaker in order to get things in order

Bannon stated “”100 days to save America. If you want somebody in the room who understands these negotiations, it’s Donald Trump.”

Here’s are some clips:


Watch Bannon’s full statement here:


Bannon also spoke on rumors that McCarthy’s loyalists will attempt to expel Matt Gaetz.

Take a look:

Per Yahoo News:

Right-wing pundits and lawmakers are already rallying around the idea of former President Donald Trump as the next Speaker of the House following Rep. Kevin McCarthy’s shock ouster Tuesday.

Alex Jones, former Trump adviser Steve Bannon, and even the far-right cable network Newsmax all floated the idea of Trump taking over the role Tuesday evening, just minutes after McCarthy’s ejection from House leadership.

“Donald Trump should be nominated as a litmus test to all these Republicans,” Jones said emphatically on InfoWars. “With all the fake charges and all the fake trials, how awesome would it be to make Donald Trump Speaker of the House?”

The phrase “Nominate Trump” was also trending Tuesday on Elon Musk’s social media site X, formerly known as Twitter—inspired at least in part by Rep. Troy Nehls (R-TX) unofficially nominating the former president via a viral tweet. Rep. Greg Steube quickly followed with his own suggesting that Trump could fill the role.


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