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Pope Makes Desperate Plea To Americans And The West…

Is the current Pope a communist?

Readers of WLTR have no doubt noticed that we have been at odds with the Pope over many of his recent political statements and his penchant for left-wing worldviews, and how could we not?

Pope Francis’ rhetoric and love for such things as Zelensky, NATO, Covid ‘science‘, and now the climate scam reads like a U.N. brochure for the Davos Group.

The Pope reiterated his disappointment in the West for its lavish and ‘irresponsible’ consumption and issued a dire plea to the first-world nations to change.

Vatican News provided more information on the Pope’s latest decree: “Pope Francis publishes a new Apostolic Exhortation, “Laudate Deum”, building on his 2015 encyclical “Laudato sí”. We’re not reacting enough, the Pope says, before going on to describe how care for our common home flows from the Christian faith.”

The Washington Post covered the Pope’s recent comments:

Francis summarized accepted science and again took aim at skeptics who deny man-made climate change.

He strayed beyond climate, couching artificial intelligence as representative of a worrying inclination to “increase human power beyond anything imaginable.”

In what reads much like a policy paper — apart from a smaller section of religious references toward the end — the “green pope” denounced the scale of emissions from high-consumption cultures and argued that the world’s poor were paying the price.

Famed journalist Simon Ateba provided his take:

“In a 12-page document, Pope Francis scolds the United States over climate change inaction, blasts climate change deniers, particularly in America. The US president is a Catholic.

NOTE: Pope Francis warned that the world is in trouble due to climate change and criticized the United States for excessive consumption.

He released a shorter document focusing on climate change and the harm it causes, including the impact on the poor. The Pope also mentioned concerns about artificial intelligence. His fury was mainly against the United States.

NOTE: I may be wrong, but it almost seemed as if he was criticizing the right over climate change positions ahead of the 2024 election.”

Breitbart writes: “Progressive Catholics are aghast that a “shockingly low” number of U.S. Catholics support Pope Francis’s radical take on global warming.”

Yahoo News featured this AFP article that touched on an upcoming meeting between Pope Francis and disaffected conservatives:

Pope Francis opens a major congress on the future of the Catholic Church Wednesday marked by tensions with conservatives on issues such as the treatment of divorcees and LGBTQ believers.

The assembly of the Synod of Bishops will take place over four weeks in Rome, in the wake of an unprecedented two-year global consultation that will also address topics such as women deacons and priestly celibacy.


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